
Little Post Office

It's been a bit grey and overcast here recently, so when we finally had a day of sun, I cycled over to the nearest village to post a couple of orders. The landscape was winter bare, and spring is still some way off, despite the clear skies and warmth.

The village has just two shops - the tiny butchers, with its original beams still visible...

..and the Post Office, which is no more than a  doll's house. Marjorie had a rest outside, while I did my errand. We are both out of shape and her tyres need pumping.

And then the return journey home, through the funny twisting lane out of the village.

 Stopping to take a scenic shot as I pushed Marjorie up the big hill.

I dropped in to the farmer next door, to give them a small present or two for cutting the hedge recently and visited the new calves in an old shed.

 They are cautious.

But still curious enough to wander up close, to see what's happening.


  1. Everywhere you go there are lovely pics to take .....

    Spring...hah....we are miles from there over in this neck of the woods. Just had 4 more inches of snow over night and I will have to bundle up to go out and shovel....it is -22 C..... good thing the sun is shining brilliantly! cuz it's damn cold!!

  2. Lovely to get out in the sun if still cold.


  3. I so wish we had villages like that here, but generally there are towns and then some unincorporated communities that might or might not have a shop or post office. I wonder if New England is more like England in that regard?

    I hope one of the orders you mailed was mine :) I am so looking forward to my little acorn! It will be a bright spot in these wintry days.

    Thank you for the post--it was a great read this morning.

  4. What a lovely day! I envy your narrow lanes and beautiful architecture.


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