
Bears and hares

At last, I've finalised the project for my Oxford workshop at Hill End Nature Centre which I visited recently. As it's an all day workshop, I decided to go for something a little larger than normal, so the project is to be stumpy bears.


It's not a difficult pattern, but it will need the whole day and there is a choice of making a brown bear or a polar bear. As with all my workshops, the price per person is all inclusive of materials and use of tools. Details can be found on my workshops page. As I'm organising this all on my own (which feels a bit scary) I'm the contact for everything.

My new running hare design from my line of 'Flights of Fancy' range went to a new home last month.

 And now I've finished another - a white hare with violet grey Siamese points.

This one is adorned with twisted silver wire, natural pearls and smoky quartz teardrop beads and is on sale in my Etsy shop.

My Manchester Spring Bunnies workshop is at the end of the month, and we are almost full - just two places left! If you'd like to come to this one, please book directly through the Make It shop site here. They may look small and simple, but each one takes me about four - five hours to make. All that smoothing.

Now I've got to crack on with my April newsletter - if you'd like to see any of my previous newsletters, without subscribing, they can be found archived here


  1. Goodness, you sound BUSY! LOVE the bears.

  2. Love the bears, envy people who live in England and can attend your workshops.

  3. ah, these are all so charming.

  4. Anonymous7:44 pm BST

    Oh - I love the bears, and the hare and the bunnies. I am sure your workshops will be very successful - I just wish I lived close enough to come to one!!

  5. I am so looking forward to this workshop and now have weeks to decide polar or bear, polar or bear, polar or.....both! These are gorjuss!!!!


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