
A golden day

It didn't seem very golden at first. A chilly grey day with rain threatening. We went into town and went to this little shop, E & J Jewelers, in Shrewsbury, where we have made a few visits before. The owners are lovely.

Then across town to The Armoury, a long, low red brick building situated on the side of the river.  Where we bought a bottle of decent red wine.

Ate exceedingly well and enjoyed fantastic service. 

The golden day was hidden in a simple wooden box.

My engagement ring. I am not a big fan of gemstones. but I like a bit of classy understatement. So last year, when this was decided, I picked a simple ring of white Welsh gold from the Aur Cymru company. It may be plain, but it was not cheap. The gold is hand panned on private land in Wales and there is precious little of it left. Living so near the England/Wales border, it seemed appropriate.


Only a very few close friends were told. It feels right to share it here first, on this blog, as so many people have seen my ups and downs over the years that it's almost like having a distant, virtual family. 

Nobody ever wanted to marry me before and to be honest, I never felt the need. However, after the perilous and messy situation I was left in when Andy died (and without a will, which made the whole nightmare even more grievous) it has taken on a new meaning and importance.

I only intend to do it the once, mind. 


  1. Oh, I'm so happy for you! That's a lovely ring, and a marvelous story to tell. May you have many, many long happy years together, enjoying the years as they pass by. Happy news!

  2. So very happy for you both. Beautiful ring. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness together. M x

  3. Anonymous12:45 pm BST

    FANTASTIC! I'm so happy for you, Gretel! Many congratulations to you both and I hope you have a wonderful future together. XX

  4. I wish you both all the best! It's the most precious thing to find someone you want to share your life with. <3

  5. What a fantastic news! Congratulations, dear Gretel! Be happy, both of you, and may your life together turn into your favourite fairy tale!:)
    I'm feeling so excited... Thank you for sharing that Golden Day with us!xxxxxxxxxx

  6. Bless you both, this is wonderful news. You deserve happiness after the last few years.I'm so glad that you have found happiness again and wish you every blessing in your life together. Thankyou for sharing over the years..

  7. Again, very very happy for you!

  8. Tears of joy slide down my face as I read this darling Gretel. Happy beyond words for you. He's a lucky man ��

  9. I can't tell you how happy this has made me. Congratulations to both of you. I've just been for a walk and I was sitting at the side of the green in a village called White Coppice (not that far from Preston!) watching the groundsman diligently tending to the cricket pitch, and I actually thought of you and wondered how you were, and here you are..happy!

  10. What wonderful news. Congratulations!

  11. Congratulations Gretel, such happy news, thank you so much for sharing it with us all.
    Joe, is a very lucky man. Love the ring it's definitely classy, hand panned Welsh gold certainly is special.
    Wishing you many happy years together, love from Oz........XxXx

  12. Congratulations! A wonderful day indeed!

  13. Aw Gretel - I am so pleased for you both. Have a long and happy life together. x Jo

  14. Oh Gretel, how wonderful, I wish you many, many years of happiness!

  15. Dear Gretel and Joe, your golden days have truly only just begun. What fabulous years stretch out ahead!
    I am thrilled for your all.
    xxx ooo

  16. Hi Gretel, I am so very happy for you, and just wish you all joy.

  17. Hearty congratulations to you both! So thrilled for you. I married my nearest and dearest 25 years ago today and don't regret a minute of it. Wishing you much happiness xx

  18. Congratulations, I'm super pleased for you and wish you every happiness.


  19. Congratulations, I'm so pleased for you both!! Sarah

  20. How wonderful! Congratulations to you both

  21. What wonderful news. I am so pleased for you both. Wishing you many long and happy years together.

  22. How flippin' marvelous!!!! I just happen to have a large Campati soda in my other hand, so Cheers yo you both and I wish you many many happy years together xxxx

  23. This was a lovely post. I think your ring is perfect, and learned that there is such a thing as Welsh gold. A rarity for a rare person--it's fitting. Best of wishes to you both.

  24. Congratulations! I've never met you but I'm so happy for you. We shared your pain when Andy died and now we share you joy. So thrilled :-)

  25. Big big happys this is so lovely...we are thrilled for you love to you both...what a beautiful ring...I love it.

  26. What lovely, joyful news. I wish you both every happiness in the world. May your days be full of laughs and togetherness and art and guitars and tattoos and delicious food and great beer and all the other joys of life and love. Congratulations both. X

  27. Oh! OH HOORAY! So excited for you!!

  28. Congratulations. I'm so very happy for you. I look at my lovely little horse often and wish you all the very best: a long joyful marriage with your new love.

  29. Congratulations! Wishing you every happiness! Your ring is beautiful!!

  30. So, so happy for you Gretel. Wishing you and Joe many happy years together. Congratulations.
    Jacqueline xx

  31. What lovely news. Many congratulations to you both.

  32. Wonderful news, Gretel - many congratulations to you and Joe.

  33. Anonymous7:17 pm BST

    Oh Gretel
    I am crying tears of happiness for you!! I wish you both a long and happy marriage.
    With much love, Anne xx

  34. Sorry I managed to miss this HUGE news! I'm so happy for you both ... here's wishing you all the happiness in the world xx

  35. I have been so overwhelmed by the lovely comments, and Joe and I thank you so much for your good wishes xxxxx

  36. My eyes are all blurry as I read this, very very best wishes and congratulations to you both. You deserve this.

  37. Congratulations to you! I'm happy you have found your happy :)

  38. Congratulations to you both, love the ring!

  39. Anonymous6:00 pm BST

    Congratulations! I married late in life and it's been the most marvelous thing I've ever done (I was always suspicious of marriage too.).

  40. Many many congratulations, wonderful news I wish you every happiness X

  41. Thrilled to hear the lovely news. I've read your blog over the years and am so happy that you've found someone so right for you.


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