
Sugar toys


Joe and I managed to get together for a couple of precious days, to celebrate our first anniversary. No champagne or roses, just the pleasure of being with each other. A week later, after a few mysterious hints, a box arrived in the post. It was opened with ceremony, over Skype, twenty first century style.


I was still baffled when I opened the lid. Apparently these have been widely advertised on TV, but I watch very little TV. So imagine (as they say) my surprise. And delight. Rendered, for once, speechless.

A selection of my needle felt creations, printed onto strawberry marshmallows from Boomf!  The perfect anniversary present. Of course, I can never eat them. They are too, too precious, in so many ways and not just because my toys are on them. Besides, Sasha has already staked her claim on hers.


  1. Oh, those are so very delightful and sweet!
    Congratulations and happy 1 year anniversary.
    best wishes….

  2. Congratulations. What a wonderful present. xxx

  3. What a sweet surprise! A Christmas miracle specially for you!
    Mmmm! Lots of people would love to see and taste these sweets.:)

  4. What a wonderful, thoughtful gift. Congrats on the anniversary, you deserve some happiness.

  5. You've found yourself a keeper there - Happy Anniversary!

  6. Happy anniversary to you both! Such a thoughtful gift. xx

  7. Priceless! Happy anniversary.

  8. Dear Gretel, a very Happy Anniversary to you and Joe.

    That's a grand gift of sweet from your sweetie!

    What a crazy busy month this December is turning out to be. xo

  9. Oh, how clever! And happy anniversary to you both.

  10. Anonymous8:04 pm GMT

    Congratulations on your first anniversary! What a fabulous present!!

  11. Fabulous! Congratulations on your anniversary and on your self control not to eat the boomphs.

  12. Oh my, oh my, oh my! I've just seen your terererererium on the front of Mollie makes. I love those little houses. As luck has it I will be in civilisation tomorrow so I may find a copy. I plan to do some relaxation over the Christmas hols with some wool and pointy needles. :)


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