
Mollie Makes Scandi village pattern

I've made just under 50 patterns in the last four years, but this one has to be one of my favourites, a Scandinavian style village in a terrarium.

It's also my third cover for Mollie Makes, which is a bit of a proud moment. As usual, it's been beautifully styled and photographed at the other end. 

Like all of my patterns, it started off with sketches which progressed from initial brain storming ideas - 

- to experimenting with various shapes and arrangements.

Before settling on what would be more or less the final design.

The pattern ended up being quite in-depth, but still a fairly simple process. The entire pattern is in issue 61 of Mollie Makes, and is in the shops now (WHSmith, large supermarkets and newsagents, directly from Mollie Makes, or as a digital format from Zinio,  Google Play or Apple iTunes.  

For my American friends, I believe it becomes available early next year from Barnes and Noble, Books A Million and outlets of Jo-Ann. A full list of countries and overseas outlets can be found here on the Mollie Makes site.

I'd love to see any examples of villages made from my pattern. I'm also holding a 'little houses' needle felt workshop at my old haunt, Folly Fabrics, Wiltshire, on February 27th next year. For more details and to book a place from their site, click here

I've been pleasantly surprised at how many people have signed up for my needle felt newsletter, and am planning the first edition for mid-January. If you'd like to sign up for it too, the form is here on my own website


  1. That is just adorable, Gretel! And so imaginative!

  2. Ite wonderful, you're so creative, congratulations on making the cover again.

  3. Workshop booked. Excited!!

  4. I love it - well done Gretel.

  5. Well Gretel, looks to me as if MM has made another very wise cover choice. That village is so charming. I can imagine how folks who follow your patterns will be able to create their own little, or not-so-little villages, complete with trees and lawns. So many variations might be possible.

    What lovely keys you provide to unlock others' creative spark.

    (I will be keeping an eye out for this MM issue at the B&N near my favorite farmers market.)


  6. Your wonderful creations look absolutely beautiful and photographed by experts, even more stunning. Very well deserved! xx

  7. Congratulations Gretel but I'm not surprised, yours are some of the loveliest 'makes' they have to choose from. x

  8. I adore your needle felting, as always. I hope you have a holiday filled with good things, your really deserve some.xxx

    ps sweet potato wine recipe will be on the blog some day soon.x

  9. That is just gorgeous! And so creative!


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