
In print and on the cover!

It's been quite a year so far for magazine appearances - a few weeks ago, my ever popular pattern for doglets were featured in the Comic Relief/Mollie Makes Crafternoon bookazine. This was the first pattern I ever wrote, over three years ago and people still seem to love it! You can still buy the digital version of this from Amazon UK via this link.

I've also started writing patterns for the UK's best selling craft magazine, 'Craftseller' - my first contribution was in last month's issue, number 48, a set of three tropical bird brooches. This is a copyright free pattern, which means that people can make and sell their versions of it. You can buy the back copy of this issue directly from the Craftseller site here.

This month's issue, number 49, sees me on the cover, with a cute trio of pet shop sweeties. These designs are also copyright free and they hit the selves on April 4th, so there's plenty of time to grab a copy and start making.

Craftseller is a UK based publication and on sale at WHSmith, good newsagents, large supermarkets and some craft shops. I'm really thrilled to have been asked to work for them and also to have snagged my fourth magazine cover.  Bottoms up!

In non-needle felting news - lovely Joe has mended the shed roof after a couple of large chunks were torn off in recent gales. It's good not to be alone anymore, in so many ways.


  1. Love this post, have missed you online.

    Good to see you publishing more

  2. ahh Gretel. So happy for you. You deserve all the blessings.

  3. Well done you on all the magazine success and well done to Joe too!. Have a lovely weekend. x Jo

  4. Dear Gretel, you must be proud of yourself and delighted with where your creativeness and talent have led you up to. People like what you do and what a stronger joy than inspiring them?
    I am glad that you are so active! Happy Easter and happy Spring!:)

  5. It makes me happy to hear that such goodness has come your way.

  6. Yay! *doing goofy dances* I am thrilled for you!

    And double awesome points to Joe for being handy as well as artistic. :)

  7. Congratulations to you, Gretel! It's grand that these magazines will allow many more folks to know about your talent and designs.

    (Congrats to Joe, too, on getting that shed work taken care of. The wind has been very dramatic over here as well during the past few weeks. Crazy strong.)

    Wishing you a Happy Easter. I went to the Fifth Avenue 'free range" parade today and have done a post with lots of photos of hats. They might make you smile!


  8. You sound happy and I am glad :)

  9. Well done on all your magazine work .... and yes, Joe does look lovely!!



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