
Alpaca birds workshop p-Lush 2015

My first creations with alpaca wool - I was thrilled to be asked to host a workshop at the p-Lush Alpaca Show on March 27th. So I chose to make little birds, which are ideal for beginners.

Rather different to my normal merino - bizarrely, the fibres seemed finer and yet at the same time, more 'hairy'.

So although I strived for my usual smooth finish, they did come out looking a little fuzzy. But I rather liked the natural effect. There are only 12 places on this workshop and they are booking already - details and registration can be found on the p-Lush booking page here. Join in, it'll be fun!


  1. These look great Gretel.... The little dark one almost has a Haida look to the design. Have you seen their stuff? West coast Canada natives ... oh, they design some beautiful things.

    I love Alpaca...I have a puff of it and it feels sooooo soft compared to some other wools I have. I added some even more "hairy" bits to it to make my little guy fluffy anyway... so it was okay. I think I did one other that was pretty smooth though.... and, love the stuff.
    How I wish I lived near you...I want to come to your classes!

  2. Gretel, I was curious to see how you'd find it to needlefelt alpaca. It is such an interesting fibre. Your description is just what I imagined you might discover.

    Aren't its natural colors beautiful?

    I think that the folks attending your upcoming alpaca workshop are in for a great opportunity.


  3. Such pretty little birds, Gretel. I love alpaca - what I think of as soft-furnishing colours (I have a cat in those hues too! Fluffy ..... I wonder if one could needle felt cat hair.....). I hope the workshop is a great success.

  4. Hi old friend. Ive found you again.


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