
Hares, foxes and a little dog

I have a big list of custom orders to get stuck into, but have managed to update my Etsy shop with some new designs, including the foxes which have had such great feedback.

 Large fox - SOLD

 Medium fox - available to buy

My new line of hares - for some random reason I fancied giving them Anglo Saxon names, despite the circus theme. So  this is 'Bar' (meaning 'from the birch wood')

 SILVIA - available to buy

'Silivia' (meaning 'of the wood')

 WOODROW - available to buy

 And Woodrow (meaning 'of the birch wood) and my favourite.

 GOLDY - reserved

And little Goldy, who is reserved for a Very Special visitor coming to see me all the way from America!


  1. Gretel, those hares are gorgeous. Bar is just lovely. Good luck with the custom orders. Think of you often and hope this finds you well.
    Am now off to make myself unpleasant to Michael Gove.

  2. These are all beautiful. I am glad to see you continuing to create more and more of these beautiful items. You have been given such a wonderful creative gift.

  3. Anonymous10:28 am BST

    Love those little foxes :)

  4. Such lovely work. Sigh.

  5. Oh, Gretel, they are just gorgeous. There's such expression in every mm of them, from top to toe and from nose to tail :-)

  6. Woodrow with his little brown nose and paws is my favourite!

  7. Gretel, each of these little characters are so full of personality...I think you must use some magic to infuse that felt with soul.

    And the colors are fabulous. xo

  8. My favourite is Goldie too! Very circuslike and can I say a teeny bit chrismassy? I've never heard the name 'Bar' before, I shall look out for it in the future. Babies names have gone bonkers these days (but I like it!) Gorgeous work Gretel!
    Jess x x

  9. Wow, you've been busy Gretel........love them all, particularly the names you've given the hares and the meanings........very interesting.

    I'm sure Goldy will be very happy living with his? new owner.
    Enjoy Janets visit.........

    Claire x

  10. These are gorgeous, especially the foxes. (If we weren't saving for a down payment right now...)

    Excited for your visitor, too!


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