
Fibreworks Oxford - workshop

My first workshop this month was held at the lovely new Fibreworks Oxford yarn shop on Cowley Road, Oxford, an old stamping ground of mine. Inside, it is simply gorgeous, elegantly stuffed with lovely wools, kits, books and sundry sundries.

Here's the manager, Natasha, knitting away during a brief lull - it's a busy little shop and people are coming and going all the time. It was great to see all kinds of everyone browsing and shopping - young people, older people, men, students, families - not the traditional notion of a wool shop's clientèle.

I was a bit late arriving, but after a while everyone was working away, with coffee and biscuits of course.

A good time was had by all, from the kind feedback and I was so pleased with what everyone made - most of my pupils had never tried needle felting before.

 One acorn necklace, worn with justifiable pride!


The Fibreworks is also the first supplier of my new venture, supplying spiral felting needles. I've recently discovered these and like them so much I am now selling them myself. But if you aren't in the Oxford area, you can buy them directly from my Etsy shop. Have to admit, I did enjoy designing the packaging.


  1. Oh my what a lovely shop!! I should love to learn needle felting very much. I am currently collecting inventory for a large mouse house (l have always loved Brambley Hedge) and l would love to be able to felt the small mice myself. I have made felted sitting mats with water, green soap and a whole lot of rubbing but never tried a felting needle. Thanks for sharing, Pam x

  2. Hello Gretel. That yarn shop looks very inviting. No wonder it's a busy place. The owner was very clever to have you do a workshop there. I can just imagine how many folks will now be continuing the needle felting technique, with your fine orientation and instruction.

    I do like the looks of the multicolor acorns. Hard to believe that they were the work of beginners!

    The needle kits also look very good with your clever packaging. xo

  3. I always wish you'd come to the states to teach us how to needle felt...but then I think half the fun would be in meeting up with the gals in those quaint shops you find. They always look so cozy and inviting.

  4. Anonymous11:10 am BST

    What a fantastic looking shop!

  5. What an inviting shop, the yarn hanging from the ceiling looks wonderful.

  6. how do you get your items so densely packed, they look very tight. When i made my pony from a kit it stayed together but is so delicate.
    That looks great fun and if i lived closer if have loved to join in.

    Gill x

  7. Happy to say I will picking my needles up in person next week!!!!!!!

    Janet xox
    The Empty Nest


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