
Logs, roads and views


A very popular property presenter on television says that there is always a compromise when choosing a house,  no matter what the budget. This is our compromise and it's a biggie. We are on a road. Something I once vowed was non-negotiable. It is usually quiet but it does have busy periods early in the morning and at home time. Some drivers slow down, some don't and as we are close to several farms, there is an interesting variety of tractors and feed trucks trundling past. It's ok most of the time.  We compromised because along the hedge from where this top photo was taken, is all of our nice big private garden, down to our little cream cottage which is further down. There is nobody overlooking us (except the cows in the field next door).  That was more important to us than the road.

Andy has taken down the sold sign. He is standing in the small front yard which opens directly onto the road. At some point in the distant future we will enclose it, so that the cats can go out. At the moment they can only go out if we keep an eye on them, as the risk of them going under some wheels is too great. Of course, they make a beeline for the road, not the big field on the other side!

But ten minutes down the road, I can turn off into this little lane which is old, deep and less used. It takes me up to some lovely views; I can see brooding Caer Caradoc from here, in the distance.

And although we really DO live in the middle of nowhere now,  the log man lives just half a mile away.

 Delivered by tractor, in time for the cold snap.


  1. Lovely, there is nothing to beat stacking the logs ready for winter. It feels so satisfying.

  2. Looks like you are settling in nicely.. so pleased for you.

    Vicky x

  3. Having a beautiful walk easily accessed from the house is worth a LOT. So is a big garden. And you know from your past residences that you will make excellent use of both. It looks like such a beautiful area, I envy you that deeply (and I live in a pretty beautiful area myself).

    The road does not look that big which helps to put a bit of a natural speed limit on the vehicles passing by, though perhaps not quite as much as you'd wish.

  4. Rome wasn't built in a day and I think your little cottage will gradually be all that you have dreamed of. The setting is lovely and I love the long side garden to your little Edwardian cottage.

    Wish you well.

    Lil Bit Brit

  5. Oh, it looks lovely. :) Isn't it nice to finally find your place? I'm sure the kitties are just itchin' to get out and explore too. Tell them to keep safe out there!

  6. That deep old road reminds me of Beatrix Potter's Fairy Caravan. Blessings on your new home, and on those little cats too!

  7. there is always a compromise isn't there?
    I remember with my first house, the compromise was my first husband!!

  8. How wonderful to have cows in the field next to you and a large, private garden Gretel.......
    Love the little lane, the photo looks very interesting....I wonder what's around the corner?
    Sounds like you're settling nicely.......

    Claire x

  9. What a beautiful place to live! I hope you will both be happy there and that the cats stay safe.

  10. Gretel, it's great to see these outdoor photographs to complement the previous interior pix.

    I'd say that cottage is very fortunate indeed to have you all living there and appreciating it as you already do. The mutual affection is going to create magic!


  11. Anonymous8:08 pm GMT

    Definitely worth the compromise!! All you need now are some cute sheep, with lambs in the spring!!

  12. I'd have compromised on the road if it meant a big enclosed garden too!

    It is a lovely out your way, but then so is most of the land that connects England and Wales.

  13. I can see you now, standing in the road, bawling "Slow DOWN!" fiercely at passing cars. Oh wait, that's me......

    And yes, the cats love a vehicle-related challenge here too, despite the neighbours' gardens and Exmoor immediately behind the house.


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