
Bodge Cottage Fundraiser

2004 Watercolour/sepia ink

I have started selling off my archives to raise money for much needed home repairs. It's all work I've hung on to because I like it - there are some golden oldies in there -  but needs must. All of it is unframed and unmounted, so I'm asking a third less for each one than I would if they were ready to hang. Most are £100 or less - and shipping is free!

♥ SOLD ♥

2004 Watercolour/pencil


2006 Watercolour/pencil

♥ SOLD ♥

2005 Watercolour/pencil

♥ SOLD ♥

♥ SOLD ♥

 'We Three Kings' (variation on number one)

♥ SOLD ♥

Watercolour/pencil 2004

♥ SOLD ♥


  1. They are beautiful and I am sure it must be hard to part with them. As you say - needs must. Hope they sell quickly for you and that you can get on with your repairs. x Jo

  2. You have a most lovely style!

  3. Your art is like candy for my eyeballs. :) I wish I didn't have college tuition to pay for or I'd be spending all my cash on these. Sigh.

  4. I empathise with you selling some things dear to your heart as I sent some "beloveds" off to Proper Auction House this week, but as my gran always said
    "keep things for a rainy day, but remember to recognise when its raining..."

  5. I love these! No money to spend here...Christmas and three kids...but if I did I'd buy "Noel", it's beautiful!

  6. I love these! No money to spend here...Christmas and three kids...but if I did I'd buy "Noel", it's beautiful!

  7. Hello Gretel, just found you from slow lane life.

    Bodge Cottage sounds so very familiar! It's hard work, but very exciting too. Especially when things start coming together.

    Your work is so lovely. Best of luck, Jessica.

  8. awww... sorry to hear you are selling off some things that you particularly like...but, times change don't they? ...and like you say, needs must....
    I'm just trying to list some things on Kijiji that I can't fit into the hobby room and other areas now that we have enlarged the doorways so we have more room to walk through. Not enough wall surface to place things against now.... I know, I know...I still have plenty more square feet than you over there do.... but, you know what I'm sayin'....


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