
White Hare Hill


I think, because I have so much physical living space around me for the first time in a decade, I am starting to dream of big landscapes. Wouldn't it be great to invent a landscape which had huge chalk hill hare figures, instead of the normal white horses?

So one afternoon, when I was in the interminable hell of having no internet, I began creating one - just a preparatory pastel sketch for a large oil painting. Time to get back to work. 


  1. Beautiful I just love the simplicity of it.

  2. Oh my goodness I had to re-check your blog banner to see if it really was you! This larger scale paing looks really exciting, can't wait to see the finished one. Your talent is shining through it already. :)
    Jess x

  3. Interesting how your environment is influencing your work Gretel..............
    Love the idea of a chalk hill hare figure.Look forward to seeing the finished painting.
    Enjoy your weekend,

    CLaire :}

  4. Love the idea...having no internet isn't all bad when this happens?

  5. Well Gretel, when I looked at the first photo of this post and spied the box of pastels, I thought...hmmmm, is Gretel working in pastels?

    And, there soon appeared a beautiful answer to my question. I very much like your hare on the hill, and hope that you will continue this idea with painting. It's that little tree on the horizon that marks the picture as yours.

    Lots of work space definitely trumps no internet. Or at least I think it would! The beautiful surrounding landscape doesn't hurt much either.


  6. Very "Pratchett"! Love the idea, and if the sketch is already so sweet, I just can't wait for the big painting.
    Seems that the internet seriously impairs creativity at times, so on danger of sounding mean, I'm glad you were pixel- starved ;)

  7. Love the idea of a White Hare Hill: tempted to create a White Hare Lawn in my garden instead.
    Good to have you back online!

  8. Really like your White Hare Hill. Hmmm, maybe I should move so I can get inspired!

  9. you know I love it and can't wait to see it finished, but no pressure, all in good time

  10. Gretel that is so beautiful. I love the echoing shape. My family come from Lambourne and the Vale originally. Please make this into a print.

  11. Anonymous6:59 pm BST

    This is fabulous - I can't wait to see the finished one!
    I had BT on the phone again, wanting me to change my broadband to them ...... no way, was the short reply!!

  12. I'd wondered if the change to a new environment and more space would have an effect on you, and clearly it has. Lovely idea, a chalk hare.....

  13. yes yes! Love the hare idea! Fab sketch too. Sometimes it good to be left without technology! I had a brilliantly creative afternoon last week when my water and electric were switched off so I couldnt faff about cleaning or getting lost in the web. :)

  14. This is wonderful- who needs a white horse!!

  15. Dear Gretel... loving following your travels and dwelling changes! How marvellously exciting, and SPACE!

    I'm just popping my nose into the comments section here to show you this 'hares on hills' work by my friend Virginia Lee: http://artofvirginialee.blogspot.co.uk/2011/05/three-hares-tor.html
    whose work you may or may not know (she's daughter of the well known Alan and has a big dose of the artistic genes mixed with very her own wondrous talent).

    Since you're now closer to Devon than before, you know you're always welcome to visit ;)
    Much love xx Rima

  16. Great idea - I look out on a hill that would look perfect with a white hare carved into it! x Jo

  17. So good to see not only your physical space expand!
    Love the painting. xxx

  18. Yes!!! Print please!!!

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  19. That's a magical figure, Gretel. Wonderful.

    Well, we have a hill, but there is no chalk to show through. Just the coal-black soil for which 'Cinderhill Farm' is famous round here.

    I hope that one day you find someone with a white chalk hill on which you can bring this hare to life, Gretel. It would be a really lovely thing to do, wouldn't it?

  20. Bliss! Sign me up for a copy of the print if you make one - that looks like a stunning, joyful painting in the making.


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