
Goodbye Mouse

Goodbye darling Mousie, most precious of cats. You were born into my hands thirteen years ago, one of Clover's kittens. She sat on you a lot and I was constantly rescuing you from suffocation . You were 'my' kitten and I loved you deeply  from the second I held you.

 You were the runt, a wee grey blob, only a few inches long. I called you 'Mouse' and whispered it into your ear so that you would know your name, still damp from the womb. 

Once, after a car accident, you went missing  but you somehow found your way home, clawing away for dear life at the conservatory door a week later.  I'd been broken hearted and resigned to you never returning.  I had lain on the sofa for days in a dark pit of despair, weeping with joy when you came back to us in the middle of the night.  We called you 'the Mouse that Returned'.

Thankfully that was your last big adventure. You had ten quiet and happy years at our tiny cottage in West Oxfordshire. You went skedaddle in the April winds and basked in the sun. In winter you retired to the sofa and slept, a plump mouse waiting for spring. 

You never demanded attention, nor caused a nuisance. You were quiet, unassuming and humble -  a mouse who knew her position in the scratching order and was happy there. You loved your head being scroffled and scraps of Marmite toast.

You hated our recent move but as usual, you were quiet in your corner. Maybe too quiet. When you started being sick, we thought you had furballs. You were sick so much that we took you to the vet and in the end you were put on a drip. You behaved as always, sweetly and gently. The mouse who purred until the very  end.

It wasn't furballs. It was a 'mega-esophagus', more common in dogs then cats. You couldn't get your food down your throat, hence the last few weeks of sickness. We would gladly have paid for an operation, but there is nothing to do with this, except try to manage it - and you had pneumonia setting in too. So thin, so weak and already elderly. As I broke down over the phone, the vet said that you had been 'a sweetheart'. You were comfortable and asleep and I gave consent for the last injection, so that you wouldn't know about it.  I haven't hurt so much for a long, long time.

You were a small, rather plain cat, precious to no-one except us. I don't have enough tears to shed for you, though God knows I've been crying all afternoon.  You have left a huge hole in our lives for such a quiet creature and a piece of me has gone with you.


  1. Sorry for her passing.

  2. I have no words. Crying for your beloved companion, sending you all my love.

  3. Anonymous8:10 pm BST

    I am so sorry for your loss. They are family members, too. It hurts so much to lose them. Sending comforting purrs from three German cats to you.

  4. Oh Gretel my love :-(

    I sit here with tears of sorrow for you rolling down my face. I can understand how you must be feeling. As a cat lover and owner of 3 elderly cats, I dread the day that I have to say goodbye to any of them. Poor poor you.

    I am so glad that Mouse found you though, what a wonderful, stress free, lovely life you gave her. Big hugs xxx

  5. So sorry to hear about your precious Mouse :( x

  6. I'm so sorry to hear... I feel your pain...it'll get better...eventually...

  7. safe journey Mouse... a true companion. Loved by all...as I shed a tear for the lovely human family you have left behind.

  8. this post brings tears to my eyes. Im so sorry for your loss, i send a big hug to you and your family <3

  9. So sorry, good-bye sweet mouse, so loved, so loved <3

  10. I'm so so sorry for the loss of dear Mouse, how sad xxxx

  11. i am so so sorry.. losing part of you, part of your family, part of your heart is simply awful..
    take time to remember dear mouse and take time to heal..
    its all you can do
    t x

  12. sorry sorry Gretel...I sobbed for weeks when Tom went 2 years ago and I could cry now if I let myself go.

  13. Cried reading through, but at the same time thinking what a beautiful tribute to Mouse this is. So sorry for your loss, may he live in your hearts forever.

  14. Oh Gretel, all my sympathy and hugs to you tonight sweetheart xxxxxxxxxx

  15. Thinking of you and Mouse, I am so sorry, xxx

  16. so sad to hear that...your post made me cry...you have my sympathy and all my thoughts...so sorry :(
    hugs xxx

  17. Mary Beth9:34 pm BST

    I am so very, very sorry!

  18. Oh Gretel, I am so very sorry. My tears are flowing for you and your dear sweet mouse. She couldn't have asked for better or more heartfelt words.xxx

  19. Oh Gretel. SO sorry for the loss of your furry friend. Big condolences and hugs from afar. I know how painful it is and what a big hole they leave in our hearts when they go...

  20. Dear Gretel and Andy,
    thinking of you. They leave such holes, let the hole fill with memories and let grief take its time.

  21. Oh dear, I lost my constant companion just last week.

    Almost unbearable.

    Such a beautifully written eulogy. you've got me crying for both our losses.

    Janepubjugg 16

  22. Dear Gretel, if I was near you, I would give you a hug. I can imagine how you and Andy are feeling. Some years ago we lost our dearest dog Mixy and we can't stop remembering him with smiles and tears... It still hurts a lot! We will ever miss him and love him...
    I'm so sorry for the loss of your true and devoted friend and companion! I'm sure Mouse had a wonderful life with you - at a quiet place, free, loved and happy!

  23. I know exactly how you feel and I'm so sorry. My best bud was my Manz Uther and I still miss him after about 3 years.
    Hugs to you both!

  24. So sorry, I've been there too, with my beloved Rupert. Some of them are just so special.

  25. Oh my goodness I am so sad for you. It is so awful when we lose our babies. Sending you hugs,

  26. Aw,Gretel, I'm SO sorry. There is no sadness like that of losing a good cat friend. They just quietly share so much with us. It's a big loss, you know?

    Sending love and hugs for you all. I know that pain all too well and about all you can do is cry. Know that we care during this very difficult and sad time.

  27. Sob. I did not know her before, but I do now from your beautiful eulogy and I am crying for her and for you.

    Sending hugs. Just know you gave her a great life.

  28. Dearest Gretel,
    No words can make this any easier.
    Sending love to you and Andy.
    There is a huge hole, there is a space that will not be filled, there is such loss.
    There is also the spirit of love given and returned...to be held forever.
    xoxo Ellen.

  29. I know the words "I'm sorry" aren't nearly enough. I know all too well after losing my precious puffy princess in May. I know how hard it is to make the decision. She loves you for making the right one. She is yours forever. Don't ever forget that.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  30. Anonymous6:20 am BST

    This is heartbreaking and I am so sorry for your loss. I have been reading all of your blog but this post has made me want to contact you and send you condolences and hope that you find peace for your aching heart. Dear little Mouse, what a blessing animals are, and what a lucky little Mouse that she had you to love her for her whole life.

  31. Oh, Mouse... Oh, Gretel, I'm so sorry.

  32. So sorry - there is nothing quite like the sorrow of losing a beloved pet and friend. Hugs,
    Caroline x

  33. So sorry for the loss of your beloved "Mouse" sleeping peacefully, Lucey x

  34. What a beautiful tribute to your beloved cat. I am so sorry for your loss.

  35. Hey Gretel, as I sit here on the couch with Tigger by my side, nudging my hand wanted a scratch and purring loudly........I feel your loss and your pain........

    What a wonderful post about a dear sweet little Mouse who found a place in your heart and life. Lovely photos specially of her sitting in the swan.....A much loved and loving furry companion.

    Hugs to you and Andy,

    CLaire x

  36. Anonymous12:04 pm BST

    So sorry x

  37. Anonymous12:10 pm BST

    So sorry x

  38. What a lovely Mousie, so beloved!
    A great and sad loss.
    I'm so sorry.

  39. Gretel, I'm so sorry to learn of the loss of Mouse. We lost one of our cats a couple of months ago, so I understand the grief you're feeling right now. Today, the world may seem a little darker but the sun will return and, with it, the memories of all the smiles and laughs of cat-shaped antics. You will always have these memories and the knowledge that Mouse was *your* cat and had a truly wonderful home and life.


  40. Oh Gretel, I am so sorry. I recently had the same experience with my Momma Cat. So, so sad. ((Hugs))

  41. Gretel, this tribute to sweet Mouse has allowed us all the chance to also love this very special spirit.

    I am glad to have been able to make Mouse's acquaintance. As a rather quiet being myself (true!) I very much welcome that quality in others.

    Lots of love to you and Andy. xo

  42. Anonymous4:33 pm BST

    I am so sorry to hear that you have lost such a well-loved member of your family. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost my cats. Your post has moved me to tears.

  43. So sorry, what a very very special cat xx

  44. Oh Gretel, I am so sorry, poor dear mouse, I have tears falling down my face too.....for you....for mouse....and for our dear Sophie who we had to do the same 4 weeks ago....
    my thoughts and love to you....Yvette xxxx

  45. Gretel and Andy I'm so so sorry to hear of your loss. All my thoughts are with you. xx

  46. awww .....no...... what a sad day .... hugs to you and Andy......... I loved hearing about your little 'Mousie'.. I once reared a little runt cat and she was a special, precious little girl to me too....

  47. So sorry to hear about Mouse. I know how sad you will both be, but she had the best life a cat could have with you both! xxx

  48. Tears for a cat, just tears...
    My thoughts are with you.

  49. So sad...they are never forgotten but I hope the pain soon becomes less...my thoughts are with you x

  50. So sorry for your loss...I've been there before, I know the heartbreak...amy thoughts are with you. Hugs xx Cristina from Chippy

  51. I'm deeply sorry about your precious furry friend and i know exactly how you feel...i have lost a couple of my furry friends..from sicknesses and poisons...it's very hard when we loose them...i know... but i can't stop rescuing cats from the jungle of the city...i still have 4 furry friends in my life...cats are so precious creatures !
    Hugs to you....

  52. I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was a wonderful cat...

  53. oh Gretel, so sorry for the loss of sweet Mouse, she had a loving home for her lifetime and that is a good thing. sending you a hug

  54. I am so sorry ! "We" are so sorry for your loss & sadness. You have written such a lovely tribute to Mouse, another much loved & forever missed animal friend - the very best kind of friend. xo Susan & Gang

  55. :( so sorry. I'm sure Mouse loved you just as much

  56. I'm so sorry, Gretel. What a beautiful cat. They bring so much to our lives and ask so little in return. xoxo

  57. Anonymous8:31 am BST

    I'm crying with you - it is heartbreaking to lose a beloved pet ....

  58. Oh Gretel! Your post made me cry, i am truly sorry for your loss, losing a pet always hurts so much! I send you hugs to try and mend your broken heart xxxxx

  59. So sorry to read about Mouse. Hugs from over the border xx

  60. Dear Gretel - I have just caught up with your post and am so saddened to read of your loss. Such a heartbreaking but lovely post about your dear Mouse. I lost my favourite boy over 10 years ago now but still miss him. It is not until you have a cat that you realise just what characters and friends they can be. Wishing you well ... M xx

  61. So sad Gretel....my much loved dog also died last week, let's hope they're playing together somewhere.
    Painting helps xx

  62. Anonymous10:14 am BST

    Just caught up with your Mousie post. Oh Gretel, I cried. I know just how you feel - a piece of your heart has been torn out. Bless wee Mousie, she must have had a wonderful life with you. *Furryhugs* Jill x

  63. So sorry to hear that Mouse has died. She obviously had a wonderful, safe life with you and that's all you can ask. Take care of yourself. (())

  64. Gretel, I'm so very sorry about the loss of your Mouse. What a lovely little creature! I hope that in time you will be able to remember her more in smiles than in tears. All my best, hugs, Mary

  65. I have 3 senior cats, it may not be long. Some pet passings hurt more than others. When my goose died, I cried for 3 days. I am glad that dear Mouse had a loving home, I am so sorry for her passing.

  66. I am so sorry...I lost a lovely dog this spring...still cry over her, and now for your loss as well.
    Tears are the evidence of the love lost.....:-(

  67. Anonymous6:35 pm BST

    Beautifully and poetically written, you made me shed a tear too and I didn't even know your cat ! Sorry to hear of your loss but glad you had ten good years and a whole host of amazing memories with that. She's off catching small things in another pasture.

  68. What a lovely lovely tribute to your special friend.....

  69. What a lovely lovely tribute to your special friend.....


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