
The storms

The strangest summer many of us have lived through is coming to an end. In Shropshire, we have had a couple of long, stormy nights after days of humid heat. The world - including our little secluded one - seems an uncertain place and I have found it hard to find words to place here, certainly nothing of note. I take refuge in my work, inconsequential as it is, finding small comforts in colours and textures. So have many women coped, during difficult times - the distraction of handiwork providing fleeting respite from troubles throughout the centuries. Despite everything, there is always this. 

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  1. I thought it was just me. I have been so productive with my hand quilting since all of this began. It helps to keep my hands busy and my mind occupied with stitches...and then there is the finished pieces that have been sitting idle, literally for YEARS.

  2. I think it has always been so. i find myself busy doing lots of little things. My Grandkids have never had so many birthday decorations! I have missed seeing posts from you! Kathy from Chicago IL USA

  3. It's been a very strange time. Husband who would normally spend his time playing the organ at home, or sometimes piano, has completely taken over the garden and redone beds and paths he'd hitherto ignored! I can't settle to sew so have knitted for friends' new grandchildren to make inroads into a stash of yarn. I think we all yearn for some normality that seems a long time coming.
    Take care, we had a huge storm yesterday here in Worcestershire, and more forecast.

  4. I feel this too. While I haven't been knitting much, I find myself drawn to my sewing machine nearly every day. Whether it's making a new garment for myself, or some smaller item I think might be useful, or simply mending something that's been sitting unused for far too long. I need that sense of making a plan, knowing I can see it through, and having something to use and enjoy at the end.

  5. It hasn't been a huge shift for us, except for not seeing family, summer storytelling travel, and eating out occasionally. All those things are gone, sadly. So we immerse ourselves in gardening and putting up food, and getting our outbuildings and house more organized. Last week I sorted my clothes drawers; this week it was a couple kitchen cabinets. I guess we're all focusing on simple tasks that give us a sense of accomplishment, of finishing something, while we wait for this virus that seems it will never go away to actually leave.

  6. I've been painting rocks...yep... rocks. Small ones... just for fun and to leave around for folks to find. Haven't been out and about with many yet...just a few ...

  7. Quilting for me. I have never been so productive.

  8. I've been baking, writing and taking on-line classes.


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