
Capturing the unicorn

When I started needle felting eleven years ago, I thought I would be mostly re-creating the imaginary toys that I painted at the time. This didn't really happen, as I discovered that the wool took over and I created a whole new world of little things.

However, in one of my many 'dry patches' last year, and stuck for inspiration, I decided to make a 'real' version of this unicorn, painted last year (I think) which went off to a new home soon after it was finished. I had hoped to find suitable button wheels, but ended up needle felting them instead. 

'Eunice' was a kind of inbetweeny piece, but she did provide a gentle push towards new designs. I finally showed her on Instagram a couple of weeks ago, and she was snapped up by one of my kind followers. I popped a card in with her and noticed with a faint feeling of shock that it was from an old artwork dating to 2008, eleven years ago. My grasp on the passing of time has never been exactly firm, but I am going to make an effort to start painting again, before another decade drifts by.


  1. Your little unicorn is lovely. Yes, where do those years go - Ben starts school in September! xx Jo

  2. Oh my, you are very talented. Recognize your gifts and create! Years go by very quickly.

  3. I do the same thing....I look back at all those quilts I made...and I wonder, when did I do that? That needlepoint...criminy, I was a BABY when I did that! I guess it is for posterity?? Maybe these art pieces capture a moment in time like a photograph or a diary entry. This is where I was back then...this is what I did...this was my style...

  4. She’s gorgeous. It’s scary how time jumps by when we’re not looking .x

  5. I love this pudgy little Unicorn... I need to get an eye open for some more little "wheels" ... but honestly, I love the ones you felted. They're great.


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