
Hidden in the woods

The other week, when the weather was still lingering in late summer sunshine, Brian-next-door drove Joe to work and I went out with them, just to get out of the cottage for a while. On the way home,  Brian turned off the road to reveal a local secret. Parking up in a narrow lane, we walked down a winding path, flanked with a gloomy, swampy pond...

..passing a large Georgian 'pile', where I had a jolt of recognition...

...because for a second, I felt as if I'd stepped into one of  my own little paintings. 

There were restored outbuildings and a tempting archway. Not to be explored, as this is private land with a public footpath that we were carefully following.

 Following Brian past a fairy tale cottage...

...and through a door in the wall, which lead us into woodland.

 Gradually, a small church emerged from behind the trees.

 Solidly made from red Shropshire stone.

And locked. Because this too, is a private place. However, there is a key, which can be collected. So one day, Joe and I will make a return journey, to explore inside. Brian had taken me, as, to quote his own words  'it's hard to find if you don't know where it is'.


  1. how wonderful...i love little hidden away places. Yes! it does look like your painting...such a lovely place to explore. Myself and my partner found a lovely nursery, old and rustic with secret walled garden and lots of orangery buildings and old buildings, been left to nature...I fell in love! and it was only up the road from us I hadnt realised all this time it was there... ;)

  2. How magical, what a kind friend to dhare this with you, I&7 hope you return to explore soon.

  3. What a lovely, secret place!!!

  4. Ooooh, how fun! I love that Brian. He is such a good friend and neighbor.


  5. Beautiful! Perfect! Are you in Mary Webb country?

  6. Yes, very much in Mary Webb country, in fact I think there is a house a few miles away where she once lived.

  7. Oh ! Wonderful wonderful wonderful ! Thankyou for taking us all along with you and I look forward to going again to see inside the church . I love your needlefelting ! You are gifted for sure :) x


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