
Man baking

It's been a month since I last wrote - thank you from the bottom of my beaten up old heart for all the kind words and prayers - they really were a help and made me feel less alone. I now realise that I cannot give this blog up; it's been too much of my life for nearly thirteen years now and much like an on-off extension of my diaries. We are waiting for what we hope is good news, and In the meantime I have taken on the task of teaching Joe to bake. 

The kitchen is small and a bit higgledy piggledy and there are no chairs or a table, so I sat on the draining board and issued instructions, which started with where the utensils are kept, followed by the order of preparation and then the basics - such as how too weigh out ingredients. The first bake was my chocolate cake recipe. These turned out fantastically. As the last pair of cakes I made sank in the middle, I was a bit envious. A week later he decided he wanted to try lemon drizzle cake. I warned him it was a bit of a faff, but nonetheless he had a go. I oversaw the operation from my draining board perch and helped him out with the fiddly part of peeling the lemon rind. 

I admit, I hadn't reckoned on how difficult it would be to teach someone to do something that I have been doing for a few decades. So I did as I do in my needle felt workshops and didn't interfere too much, but made him do 90% of the work himself, so that he would learn properly. 

This time we followed a 'proper' written recipe, which wasn't entirely successful and the cakes were somewhat shallow - the taste was fantastic, but next time we will stick with the one in my head, which has never let me down. 

I think the trickiest baking lesson for both of us was the making of cheese scones, which requires the rubbing in method. I was itching to get in there and do it myself, but I gave him a brief demonstration and let him get on with it. There was a lot of flour on the kitchen floor.

Joe seems to be a natural baker, and the scones rose very nicely. He's not ready to fly solo yet, but we're both enjoying the process. Next on the list is 'my' fruit cake. And how to do the washing up afterwards.



  1. Yummmm, out of all those, the cheese scones made me almost get up and rush into the kitchen and start baking. Sounds so delicious! I did have other plans for the day, now I think they'll have to wait while I pull out the flour and start baking. What are you going to bake next?

  2. Since my son asked me to write up my recipes for him and his girlfriend last year I have got the urge to get back in the kitchen and bake again. Trouble being I rather like my baking too much and my waistline is slowly but surely expanding. Still I thought it was a lovely thing for him to ask me to do I just wish they lived nearer so they could help me out with the eating.


  3. How fun! My daughter and I are on a baking kick, trying all sorts of new things. We made icing and messed around with piping flowers and borders on cupcakes. But, then we had a LOT of cupcakes to pass around and eat. Ugh. I like to bake, but believe it or not, I don't like to eat it all. I know...weird.

    Glad to see you are still blogging. :)

  4. I think washing-up should be in the first module, if only to encourage tidier working methods! I'm impressed, though. Good on him. Long may he want to bake. Does he cook too?

  5. Oh, yum those cheese scones look amazing! I want one!

    Hey, is "your" fruit bread a Barm Brack by any chance? I just finished off one that I made last week... very tasty.. even put a splash of brandy in the cup of tea that I soaked the fruit in...

  6. So glad you will be keeping up the blog - I love it!
    Well done Joe, the cakes look delicious!

  7. Yummy! I wish my man had the slightest interest in baking! Those results look amazing - well done Joe. Yes, clearing up after is a vital part of the job too, but I would be happy to do it if I had a scone and butter as a reward. lol. x Jo

  8. Hiya Joe... just had to come back for a second look at the delicious scones...what a great job you did with those babies. As soon as I feel a bit more life like, I definitely want to make some... mesa been sick this week...

  9. This is so much fun! I've been enjoying the Instagram photos but love hearing the details. I think my guy would take well to baking and cooking too, and it's great advice to remind yourself to stand back. As the oldest of a big family I can be a bit bossy and here-I'll-just-do-it which isn't a great environment for learning, lol!

    I hope you get your good news, and I'm glad you're going to keep blogging. I love hearing about your life, even when you're having a tough time. You are certainly not alone in your journey to the darker places. Sending lots of good wishes to both of you. x

  10. What a joy to see you writing again, and to see Joe! Hi Joe!

    I've taught granddaughters to bake, and it is a lot of fun, and a big mess. But what a companionable occupation it is to be in the kitchen together.

    I have missed your blog, and am looking forward to keeping up with all you do.

    Sending love and hugs to you both.

  11. As far as I'm concerned, it's not a real bake session if there isn't at least a little flour to sweep up afterward. Baking is Not Tidy. That's what makes it glorious.

    Much love to the both of you and prayers for better days ahead.

  12. Hello. I haven't baked or even cooked since my husband died. Only now do I realise I did it all for him. I wonder if I can inspired by your blog?

  13. Popped back to thank you for your lovely message. I might consider having a go at baking a cake but it would have to be for a visitor rather than just me. I am quite busy most of the time; I write a lot of stories as well as the blog so I keep busy.

  14. Catching up after the holiday - those scones look good!!

  15. Miss your posts....

  16. Hope you are ok. I have never left a comment or subscribed or anything to any blogs but have kept coming to yours for some time. Hang in there and keep making your lovely art. Sincerely, Kathy Abell

  17. Hey Gretel - I haven't been looking at blogs for ages so I've only just spotted that you've been having a tough time. Hope things are a bit better now and on the rise (like the scones?)

  18. We too have a small kitchen. One person working in it baking is fine anymore than one is hard. Plus we do have an old wood step stool to sit on, but not while baking because you cannot open the cupboard doors as it has to be moved. So can visualize you sitting on the draining board. The cheese scones look delicious. And I do hope that things are moving in the right direction for you. Also I hope you get some rain. I am visiting my sister in Aug and Sept and England should look green not brown. We get extremely hot, humid summers here, but many days end in huge thunder storms, so lots of rain. Take care.

  19. oh well done, getting a man to bake....I am very impressed with the results. All looks delicious. xxx


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