
Spotted Staffordshire Pig

This is my latest Staffordshire inspired creature. I could only find one image of a pig to work from; pigs don't seem to have been as popular as spaniels or greyhounds. About forty hours later I am finally satisfied with it.

I'm finding I have to work a little differently to emulate the Staffordshire look.. I have never needle felted eyes before, however the eyes on the original were painted on with one brush stroke, so I used just a few fibres of black to reproduce this effect. And the hooves were a bit tricky. but it's a challenge which I enjoyed and another learning curve.


  1. Gretel, your Staffordshire translations are very clever and a great pleasure to see. What fun for you to be stretching the possibilities of needle felting! xo

  2. A good result can be achieved only with hard work and desire! I find your new character very sweet. Hope you are having a gorgeous autumn, Gretel!


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