
Yet another hare

Nothing going on, except a lot of planning, designing and unfinished work - here's a little something I have actually completed, with amber chips on a bronze wire. Yes, it's yet another hare. Well, it is nearly Spring!


  1. Anonymous7:42 pm GMT

    Fabulous - I think I may be leaving owls behind and moving on to hares!!

  2. There're periods like these - with nothing special "on the surface", no projects completed or work finished. BUT I think some inner processes are running then, connected with the artist's desire and need to create... Besides, who has said one must be productive 24 hours a day?:D Take your time, Gretel!
    The hare is lovely!

  3. Nowt wrong with a spring hare. He is rather lovely.

  4. ohh, lucky you..... we, on the other hand, have had a little teaser of a Chinook... with lovely warm winds and decent temperatures...but, next week they are forecasting "back into the deepfreeze"...and for us that could be til May.....sigh........

    lovely little hare... and, how interesting with the amber ... My Mom used to love amber.....

  5. subtlety beautiful...love the lines!

  6. Oh Gretel, nothing...no way. It looks and sounds to me as if quite a bit is going on.

    Thank you very much for your messages. I do promise to write back. xo

  7. One can never have too many hares, Gretel, you know that!

  8. Did you know that your workshop link on the top bar isn't working.


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