
The swans fly

Joe and I are enjoying our second Christmas together. Yet again it's simply a quiet time; a time of being thankful that we have a roof over our heads, food, logs for the fire and most importantly, each other.  Whatever you do at this time of year - and especially if you are alone - we both send you the warmest of best wishes and hope for the future. Because there is always a better place, despite the long haul to get there.


  1. Merry Christmas to the both of you!!!

  2. 2nd Christmas of many, I hope! Warmest wishes for 2016....

  3. Gretel, wishing you and Joe a beautiful Christmas night, and many more happy hours in the year to come.


  4. Have a very merry holiday season!

  5. Sending return wishes for the very best for you in the coming year, Gretel!

  6. A very happy new year to you both, may all your hopes and dreams come true!xx

  7. Hiya Gretel...I'm glad you two are having a lovely quiet season together. We don't do much either and are happy to look at the sparkly tree and have a little toast of our Bailey's as we trim it ... then...just a quiet dinner on the day...

    and, this year ... well, I have been pretty much down and out since mid December...I have no clue what I caught or how ... and, thankfully Greg didn't get it .... Every fibre of my body ached... I coughed a bit ... but mostly just so tired and lethargic and achey .... could not and still can't make myself do anything much at all. All I want to do it rest and sleep ... although, I did walk as far as the mailbox today..in the lovely sunny cold day... it is -16C ... so beautiful with new pretty snow.....

    All the best to you and Joe in 2016 ... here's to a happy and especially a HEALTHY year for us all.....

  8. Merry Christmas Gretel.Love and Joy in 2016.

  9. A belated Merry Christmas and I wish you all the best for 2016. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)


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