
Cake Heaven at Patisserie Valerie

Treat of the week was a trip to the recently opened Patisserie Valerie

A new experience for both of us; coffee and cake is always good, but this takes it to a whole new level.

It is, quite simply, a beautiful experience. Stylishly laid out with comfortable red leather and Art Nouveau décor, Patisserie Valerie was jam packed with all kinds of everyone. And so nice to see the younger generation enjoying proper afternoon tea. 

The staff were absolutely charming - friendly, polite and attentive. Despite a short wait, due to the abundance of customers, we were given wonderful service, starting with huge mocha coffees (which were excellent and the right balance of bitter sweetness) and there were many apologies for the short wait. 

But the delay was barely noticed, as there was so much gorgeous cakiness  to look at and admire. I had asked permission to take photos, which was freely given, and snapped away happily. 

Our waiter was charm itself and soon our cakes arrived.

The cake portions are properly generous and almost too exquisite to eat. Joe opted for cheesecake, adorned with a small piece of modern sculpture.

I went with the double chocolate gateau, with a fat, sticky profiterole nestling on top. Both were perfection to look at - and eat. My chocolate paradise was densely cocoa flavoured without being over rich, with a light, moist sponge and a rich, oozing filling. We exchanged forkfuls, but not many words. Cake eating is a serious business.

Afterwards, with happy sighs, we laid down our sticky forks and sat back. It was a complete meal in itself. We watched people coming and going, some queuing for tables, some popping in for take away portions. All the time, there was a constant crowd of people peering in at the window, admiring the pretty display.

We agreed that this has to be a regular event. And best of all, there are not only branches across the UK, but one has recently opened in my patch, Shrewsbury. So there will still be cake at Patisserie Valerie, even when Joe moves down to the cottage.

Sometimes you look forward to something, only to be slightly let down by the actual experience. This exceeded expectation and we are now loyal customers. It only took one cake each and superb customer service. 


  1. Now this looks like my kind of place! And what's more I've checked and we have one in Sheffield! I think I see a visit to the city in my future:)

  2. I wish we had one like this.... it all looks amazing..... I'd have to go regularly too.... just to sample each and every one....

  3. It looks delicious, oh chocolate I do love you.

  4. I'm with Vee....wish we had this here! I'd stuff my pockets with macaroons!

  5. ohohohoho... well hello THERE. This all looks divine!

  6. I have always loved tea...and this place looks like, well, my cup of tea! Lovely photos. :)

  7. How do you choose? That's why it has to be a regular event, to slowly work your way through the selection.

  8. That's a real treat, makes my mug of tea and a slice (or two) of Victoria sandwich look like a diet. x

  9. I don't wonder at all why there're queues in that Patisserie! A perfect place to share an afternoon tea with your family or/and friends! I believe the cakes are as delicious as they look.:)

  10. Oh Gretel, I know that you know a thing or three about baking delicious chocolate cake, so hearing your praise of the Patisserie Valerie fare is excellent news. I have sampled some of their treats in London, and agree with you about the lovely setting and the tempting pastries.

    Yes, cake eating is a serious business. Hoping the Shrewsbury branch will be a huge success.

    (You've also got me remembering your book...)

    Best wishes to you and yours. xo

  11. This is just too cruel to watch.... what with me being sugar and wheat free for 3 months. I dream of fancy cakes and muffins and ice cream.... dang Gretel, I will have to simply imagine I am tasting CHOCOLATE. It's good to have a vivid imagination.

  12. Gretel dear, you almost did me in with the close-up of the chocolate gateau! All that gooey loveliness was too much for this woman on a diet! Good thing we don't have such in our little town! Lucky you!

  13. Now that looks like the ultimate way to treat yourself!

  14. What a beautiful and indulgent way to spend a few hours, in cakey heaven :D
    I'm enjoying catching up with your posts and it's good to be able to leave messages at long last! Take care, dear Gretel.x


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