
Shrewsbury Food Festival

My birthday treat was this year's Shrewsbury Food festival - it first started three years ago, with immense success, but (as some of you may know) I haven't been in the right mental place to enjoy such things. There were also wonderful birthday presents from Joe, including a Swedish whittling knife, of the type recommended by Ian the Toymaker. And a humungous bottle of my favourite (and rather expensive) perfume.

Summer had finally decided to arrive in the UK and we were glad we got there early - the Saturday country bus deposited us in town before 10am, so we arrived before the crush. The festival was held in Shrewsbury's beautiful Quarry Park, where the legendary Percy Thrower was the Superintendent gardener for 28 years.

We wandered about. It was crammed with mostly local small producers  There were cheese and pies and pickles and fudge and cider and bread and meat and stuff. And more stuff.

And rare lop eared pigs, from nearby Middle Farm.  This was part of the 'farm-to-fork' section, enabling people to make the connection between what they eat and where it actually comes from.

This is 'Beckfoot Damica' and her new calf, from Great Berwick Organics. She's an English Longhorn, one of the oldest breeds in the country, dating back to at least the 16th century.

We stopped for handmade venison pies, and in my case (what with it being my birthday and all) I had a pint of 'Steam Punk' beer from Shropshire's own Three Tuns Brewery. Dark treacle-y and delicious.

By now, the crowds were building up and as neither of us do people en masse, it was time to head off. So Joe bought some sausages...

...and I bought some bread. And we headed back to the cottage after a lovely day out. Full of pie.

Goodbye lovely Shrewsbury Food Festival, you were great - and good luck for next year!


  1. So pleased to hear you had such a lovely day out - and good weather to boot! It looked super. Haven't been to Shrewsbury for about 40 years! Perhaps time to go again, do you think?????

  2. So glad you had a lovely birthday. A food festival is one of our favourite days out too. The pies look great - you can't beat a good pork pie! M x

  3. Happy belated birthday Gretel! Love the pigs.xx

  4. Happy belated birthday! I'm frankly envious at your trip. I loved all the sausages, cheese and breads (which we ate a lot) when I did my walking tour through parts of England. Never made it to Shrewsbury but it looks like a great time!

  5. Oh Gretel, allow me to wish you a very Happy, if belated, Birthday. I am embarrassed to have lost track of the actual day...knew it was just about now.

    The Shrewsbury Festival looks like great fun. The little pigs are adorable (I will try not think of them as future meals....) Those pies, well, my, my, my...they surely do look delicious.

    I think that Joe gave you a perfect treat!

    Many happy returns to you, dear Gretel. xo

  6. Anonymous7:03 pm BST

    Belated happy birthday ...... and what a super way to celebrate it!! Did you try to smuggle a little pink piglet home with you??!!

  7. HaPPY BIRthday....

    ....ohhhhh ..... the buns and breads..... they are truly my weaknesses!

  8. Happy birthday! Looks like a lovely day out. Envy you those pies, loove pork pies! We are going to a food festival here in Norway next week. Traditional Norwegian rural food. Happy weekend. From Pam in Norway

  9. Happy Birthday Gretel! What a gorgeous post, I think we all want a piece of that experience - the fair, the pies and pastry, the cheeses (very fond of cheese), the blue skies over white tents and green fields, and someone special quietly at our side.

  10. *trying hard not to squee over the pigs, but largely failing*

    It sounds like you had a wonderful time. Cheers to Joe for giving you a birthday to remember.

  11. So glad you had such a happy birthday, and saw such lovely things. I'm also glad I'm not the only one who has an aversion to people en masse. A little goes a long way, very quickly and it's time to escape to our own quiet space.


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