
A little poetic mystery

Out with Marjorie the other week, pootling to the Post Office which is two miles away. On the way back, I spotted a notice pinned to a gate post and, as one does, stopped to investigate.

However, it wasn't a planning application for a new housing estate (although that is in the pipeline for this area). It was a Thomas Hardy poem. Rather random, but lovely. 

 The Walk

You did not walk with me

Of late to the hill-top tree

By the gated ways,

As in earlier days;

You were weak and lame,

So you never came,

And I went alone, and I did not mind,

Not thinking of you as left behind.

I walked up there to-day

Just in the former way;

Surveyed around

The familiar ground

By myself again:

What difference, then?

Only that underlying sense

Of the look of a room on returning thence.

Pondering this and wondering 'who, what why and when?', I cycled on. And came then stopped.

Another country poem, pinned to another gatepost, with the brooding Wrekin just showing in the background.

A sonnet, by John Clare.

A Spring Morning

THE Spring comes in with all her hues and smells,
In freshness breathing over hills and dells;
O’er woods where May her gorgeous drapery flings, 
And meads washed fragrant by their laughing springs.
Fresh are new opened flowers, untouched and free
From the bold rifling of the amorous bee.
The happy time of singing birds is come,
And Love’s lone pilgrimage now finds a home;
Among the mossy oaks now coos the dove,
And the hoarse crow finds softer notes for love.                        
The foxes play around their dens, and bark
In joy’s excess, ’mid woodland shadows dark.
The flowers join lips below; the leaves above;
And every sound that meets the ear is Love.


  1. Oh, that is lovely! I wonder a bit who posted them, but in a way it's nicer just to enjoy it for what it is, mystery and all -- like volunteer flowers that pop up where you least expect them.

  2. It is such a lovely idea, Somerset poetry boxes (see Davina Jelley No 7 Dulverton) does it the other way, inviting poetry to be written. Think I might start posting similar here in the city.

  3. How very lovely to think that someone took the trouble to put these poems up for others to see. It reminds me of the film we went to see last night, Far From the madding Crowd; lovely countryside and proper escapism from the modern world. :) xx

  4. Hmmm, Gretel, I love the mystery of these poems' posting. What a grand sighting as you pootled along on Marjorie. It seems that you took a good route and a fine velocity.

    Will you perhaps ride this way again?

    As always, it's also grand to see a post from you. Wishing you and yours lots of love. xo

  5. A little bit of magic in an ordinary day.

  6. I love this way of getting poetry out there...these are so good!!

  7. What a wonderful idea - but think how many people would miss them as they whizzed past in cars!


  8. two ways to see this.....yes the idea is nice.I love poetry and I also to went to see Far from the Madding Crowd.(really enjoyed it)but I think ...how many more people will see this and copy? Then it just becomes another piece of litter in the countryside. If it is a useful bit of information on the paper (planning etc.,fair enough.) Then again...who will see it as they drive by? Everyone seems to want to be involved in something...like that awful idea of yarnbombing for instance.

  9. A poetic soul just sharing the beauty of words...must have made your ride complete.

  10. Wandered over from MacQue's blog, and so glad I did. Thomas Hardy is a favorite of mine, and that first poem really touches me. I've been there, as has anyone who has loved and lost. Whoever left the poems, I thank them, and I thank you for sharing them.


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