
Needle felting wotnots for 2015

So many thanks for all the kind and lovely comments on my last post. Joe and I were incredibly touched that people were happy for us. Now that I have a real purpose, I've thrown myself back into work with a vengeance, starting the New Year with two little hare brooches in a newish style.

 It's good to be making again.

2014 ended with a gorgeous feature in 'Filtz Fun', a popular German felting magazine - they made it all look beautiful, I think the prettiest magazine article of mine I've seen. I do need to update my publicity picture though.

2015 is starting to fill up with workshops - at the moment I have five definite dates, starting in March with a bang at the p-Lush alpaca show in Coventry, where I will be using alpaca wool for the first time ever. The next day I am in Oxfordshire at my regular venue of Folly Fabrics, Smith's Restaurant in Manchester in April and back to the Buckingham Summer School for two full days in August. (Summer, hooray!) More info and contact details can be found on my website. More to be added, with luck.


  1. I do love these little hare brooches..there is just something so soothing about them.
    Sounds as if you are going to be very busy. Good for you!
    Wishing you and Joe the best of everything in this new year.
    With much affection to you both, Ellen.

  2. Oh, they are brooches! Even better!

  3. I am so happy that you have found a new love and a new joy 2015 is going to be full of memories for you :-) I am loving the little hares you are so clever. Yesterday I did an alcapca trek across the Worcestershire countryside for my mums 70th birthday I adore alcapca's so it was interesting to see that you are going to some workshops so you will be able to use their wool :-)Have fun and Happy new year, dee x

  4. A lovely start of the year! It's good to be busy with something you like to do, isn't it? Maybe one day I could attend one of your workshops?:)
    The brooches are very sweet and elegant.
    Have a wonderful January, dear Gretel!:)))))))))))


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