
High Tea at Kensington Palace Orangery

So I come to the end of an unscheduled blog break. This summer has been about attempting to keep my financial head above water and setting up my supplies business. It has also been about sorting out my personal life and what happens next after the horrors of last year. So far it is all a bit uncertain. There have been one or two lovely highlights though.


Being treated to high tea at the Kensington Palace Orangery was one of them.


Dressed as I was in my old leather biker jacket and army boots, my old friend and I were given the most prompt and courteous of service by exquisite young waiters.

Tea was served and we genteelly dived in.

Having not seen each other in person for several years, my old friend and I had much to talk about, in-between debating which sandwich or cake to have.

The orange-scented and currant scones served with Cornish clotted cream and strawberry jam were naturally, divine.

And served on crested china.

It was all so very delightful and so very, very civilised. As my kind and generous friend observed, tea and cake put many things right. Though that theory has been sorely tested this summer.


  1. It looks like a real treat Gretel and a well deserved taste of luxury. I am sure you cut a dash in your Army boots.

  2. You deserved that treat, I hope it helped to restore you positivity xx

  3. What a well deserved treat. I hope you can get things sorted so that you can make the best of all the good things in your life. You know where I am if I can help. x Jo

  4. So glad to hear that you are ok.
    That china is exquisite & so colourful

  5. Gretel, what a lovely place for tea, with delicious bites and attentive service, too.

    I do like your photographs!

    Gosh, I have missed seeing your posts, but know that summertime is not necessarily when "the livin' is easy."


  6. Oh, as if you've been in a fairy tale! I'm so glad for you! It's always nice to meet an old friend and to feel that you are still very close!
    Hope the rest of the summer will give you other lovely moments, Gretel!:)xx

  7. It's hard to navigate life after a sudden unexpected change. But if you can enjoy just an hour or so every now and then, it helps with handling all the difficult days.

    I wish you more peaceful times ahead, friend.

  8. Tea and Cake makes lots of things better...


  9. Dearest Gretel, I first started reading your blog sometime in 2008. I fell in love with the Cotswolds and your lovely felt animals and your lovely life in your tiny cottage. I loved the way that every little luxury, such as cheese from the shop down the road, was so very much appreciated and it made me realize how much in my life I had taken for granted.
    I have not been blogging for quite awhile and have not had time to visit my favorite blogs in well over a year. I took a little time tonight only to find that my heart would be utterly torn into reading that your dearest Andy was gone.
    I had to dig back through to find out what had happened. I am crying like a child as I type this. I am so very sorry for your great loss. I cannot imagine the pain and difficulty you have faced, losing your sweet soul mate. You have my deepest condolences and my prayers for continued healing as you make your way. With best regards, Vicki

  10. That tea looks divine. And you're well overdue for a little pampering!

  11. Oooh what a lovely treat ... that you most defintely deserved. M x


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