
Mollie Makes Giveaway

Just got my copies of the new 'Mollie Makes Feathered Friends' book. It's hard to put myself back to the time I created the 'Chicken Family' this time last year. Yet here it is. As usual, the style shots are gorgeous - I am full of admiration as I am not very good at this kind of beautiful set up. My things look so much nicer somehow.

The chicks are the tiniest things I have ever made.  Apart from my own trumpet blowing, (Jane Toft the editor writes that I am one of 'Mollie Makes' favourite designers - golly!) there are many more sweet projects, including ones from fellow crafters I know and like.  Laura Howard (aka 'Lupin') Kirsty Elson, and Jooles ('Sew Sweet Violet').

Anyway, the nice team at Anova publishing are giving away two copies via my good self. To enter, just leave a comment at the end of this post and I'll do the names out of a hat thing. If you're a lucky winner, I'll contact you directly and pass your email and/or details on to the book fairies at Anova. And - yes, it is a worldwide offer. CLOSING DATE - JUNE 30th


And  in other related news, I have just four places left on another all day needle felting course, on July 8th. This one is held at my favourite pub, The legendary Queen's Head in Eynsham, twenty minutes from Oxford. We will have the entire snug bar to ourselves and the price of £55 covers materials, use of tools, morning coffee and biscuits, buffet lunch and a proper tea mid-afternoon, all made by the landlady and my dear friend, Jackie. We'll be making little houses to begin with and then going on to your own designs. More details on my website.  It'd be lovely to see you.


  1. I can't believe how small that little chick is ... stabbed fingers spring to mind! This book looks great ... so good to see so much talent in one place ...
    Big hugs xx

  2. wow you must be so proud it looks a lovely book. Congrats

    Gill x

  3. What a tiny chick, it's gorgeous! The new book looks great :)

  4. Oh I really, really wish I could come to your class! I love your little houses and would kill to have a pub lunch again!!

    I hope I get picked for a book, I am too far away from home!!


  5. Chickens! I love chickens. I would love to be able to make some for my sister, who has been great enough to put Graham and I up while we relocate back to the town I grew up in.

  6. What a cute wee chick:) I would so love to win this book...please add my name to the draw.

  7. Good to hear you Gretel. I would love to take a place on the course but you are too far away and still in term time. I have very fond memories of the Queen's Head. A haunt of OUP people from uh-um years ago. Hope it all goes well and the course gets filled up.

  8. Heavens, what a lovely idea and thank you for the sweet offer! That little chick just calls out to me!
    All the best,

  9. What a lovely little chicken! Wish I would live nearer to you to attend the workshop....
    Thank you for the opportunity anyway to win this lovely book.
    Love from Hungary!

  10. What a cute little chick and soooo tiny...you must have such patience.
    A x

  11. So good to hear you've done another children's book, I'm sure it will do great. Still got the short stories u done in the 90s! Take care and see you in July.

  12. Anonymous10:12 pm BST

    You simply can not beat little animals with their own personalities that get up to mischief when your not looking... Well apart from making them yourself, even better xx

  13. It's so nice to hear from you! I hope you're having a lovely Spring. I would love a copy of the booklet. I've been wanting to try needle-felting for a while, but never found just the right project for my limited time.

  14. Your chickens are lovely - bright, sunny colours, they make me happy just looking at the photos! Would love to be added to the draw for the books - thanks for the chance to win.

    Julie :o)

  15. Yikes Gretel, tiny balls of wool and sharp needles........a tricky, dicky combination but the end result is heart meltingly cute.....love your creations and that's one handsome rooster too.
    Your new workshop has got me searching for my passport. How lovely to set yourselves up for the day in the snug.......it just sounds so nice and cosy!!
    The book looks lovely congrats , it's nice to see your work is getting out there to the worldwide community.

    Claire X

  16. I would love to have a copy of this beautifully inspiring book, with your gorgeous work in it :)

  17. I've been salivating over this book and wondering whether to get it or not. Please put me in the draw. Your chickens are marvellous - wish I could attend one of your workshops and learn the art of not stabbing myself while needlefelting!

  18. I am so glad you are back blogging! The little chick is so amazingly small, I bet there was a it of blood and sweat in making it. I would love to be in the drawing.

  19. You are MY favorite designer too. :) Wish I could come out just to hang out with the chicks in the pub. Sounds glorious.

  20. They are delightful!

  21. Gretel, the new book looks charming. Great to see that the MM folks are giving your delightful creations proper photographic affection.

    I also like the sound of the setting for your next workshop. Wool felting with a master of the skill in a snug. And refreshments, too? Goodness, I bet that snug is going to full of interested pupils.

    Looking forward to seeing some photos from the session itself.


  22. Adorable! Wish I lived closer...would love to take ome of your classes!

  23. Those chickens are so tiny. And the rooster feet are adorable. Greetings from Poland :)

  24. I LOVE these Gretel and am very tempted to join your workshop - I had a great time at the course I did with you last year in Chipping Norton making little birds (though mine looked more like a whale!)...I've got a bag of wool and some needles that haven't seen the light of day for months!

    Take care,


  25. Gretel I am not surprised you are one of their favourites you are so talented! Well done. Looking forward to a course in East Anglia. Xx

  26. It's just too cute !

  27. The book looks lovely - as do your sweet little chicks. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  28. Hello Gretel,

    This post made me smile....love the chickens and I hope you did not stab your fingers too often!!

    Of course you are a favorite artist...what's not to love about all your art???

    Much love from Virginia

    Janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  29. You are amazing, and it's great to see your work published. Please enter my name in the hat. Thanks.

  30. I love the little chick! Happy for you - you are so talented! Would love a copy of the book. ♥

  31. Love these cute little chicks!! Too cute! You do great work!!

  32. If only I lived a bit nearer I'd be there in a flash. I'd love the chance to win the book and see your lovely work please, thanks Lucey x

  33. oh pick me! My name is Chick. And June 30th's my birthday!!

  34. Oh so lovely to see your clever stuff in print! Hope all is going well. x Jo

  35. This looks a great book and your chicks are gorgeous!
    Count me in please!

  36. Love your chicks and the book looks great. Please enter me in the draw

  37. Ooh I wish I lived closer, I would have loved to join you in the pub!! Please put me in the hat for the lovely mollie makes book. Thank you sarah.

  38. I'm sure the photos in the book look great but then they are professional photographers, the photos you take yourself are always lovely too. Personally I like the cockerel best, he's far more unlikely to disappear if he fell on the floor, unlike the tiny chick! lol x

  39. Well, I'd love for you to add me to the drawing, but I would have commented anyway, to say that it is good to see a post from you again and that, as always, I am wishing you healing and peace. I have a patchwork goosie you made on the bookcase near my bed. I'm often cheered up to see her sitting there and my 4-year-old daughter loves her, though doesn't get to play with her as she'd like. So that makes me think that there are a lot of people throughout the world who probably think of you often for the same reason--having one of your beautiful creations nearby.

  40. I wanna fly over there with Lin to have some fun at the pub..... and make things with you....

  41. Adorable chickens! The book looks awesome - congratulations!!!

  42. I am an admirer of Mollie Makes and your creations from afar. And I love teeny tiny things. That chickee is too much cuteness.

    Congrats on the publication and thanks for sharing!

  43. Anonymous3:04 pm BST

    You inspire me with every blog post, seeing how you have transformed from sort of showing off your art in a shuffling kind of way, to proudly front and center displaying your creations. Beautiful work, and I'm glad to see the world knows it!

  44. Oh wow! The book looks fabulous! I wish I lived across the pond and could attend your upcoming workshop.

  45. I would love to win, this book looks awesome!

  46. How on earth do you make such tiny chicks without constantly stabbing your fingers?!
    I love your little houses. One day I will have funds, and time to come down for one of your courses.

  47. I can't tell you how thrilled I would be to win a copy of this book. Your little chicks are so adorable!

  48. Your book looks great. Best wishes from germany. I've been to shropshire several times visiting my uncle. It's a familiar feeling visiting your blog.
    Sylvia from rosebudbears.com

  49. I love the Cockerel, he would be the quietest on the block. Which would please the neighbours....:)

  50. OMG they are so small. Absolutely adorable.

  51. How I'd love to be there!! To meet you, dear Gretel, to learn from you how to needle felt and to make my very own (perhaps a little bit twisted) little fairy house, to feel the special atmosphere of the place, you've chosen for your workshop... I envy those who'll attend it. It promises to be a lovely day and a very pleasant experience!
    Congratulations on being featured in this book! Your beautiful felt characters deserve it! Hugs from far away!xx
    P.S. If it happens to visit England one day, maybe I should plan the trip around the date of another workshop of yours!:))

  52. Love reading your words, love to you, Karen

  53. Gretel,
    I know why Mollie Makes says you're the best...because you are!
    Lovin' them chicks!

  54. Sliding in here at almost the last minute! Love the tiny chick, the photographs of your work in the magazine look really good too.

  55. Beautiful pieces. The book would make a great addition to our art library in school.


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