
Cinderhill Farm workshop

My first workshop of the year, held at  Cinderhill Farm at the beginning of March. Fully booked and raring to go. We started off by making chickens.

Outside, the farm chickens clucked indignantly. No punk hairstyles on these ladies.

The morning session was sustained with copious tea, homemade shortbread and flapjacks.


After lunch (home farmed pork casserole with herby rice) people worked on their own designs - or in this case, followed my 'bunny brooch' pattern from  issue 24 of  'Mollie Makes'.  


Then another break for a special farmhouse high tea - all freshly baked in the farmhouse kitchen by Debs, our hostess. Two types of cake, jam tarts, rich scones with butter, cream and jam.

  It is always so rewarding to see finished designs as the day draws to a close.

 The traditional Grand Parade  - the lovely results of a very creative day - didn't they do well?

 I believe the next workshop (scheduled for early summer) is already fully booked, but if you would like to be informed of spare places or book in advance for a late summer workshop, please contact Debs via the Cinderhill Farm website or message her through the official Facebook page.


  1. Oh wow Gretel what fab results from the workshop.....well done to all concerned but especially you :-)
    Annie x

  2. Good to see you in the saddle again. And you just have to love the idea of punk chickens.

  3. Such wonderful work! I hope to make it up to one of your workshops one day! Bit of a trek from little ol cornwall but you never know! X

  4. oh how fantastic is that chicken with the punk hairstyle.
    Great workshop and if i lived closer id be there for sure

    Gill x

  5. Such a charming menagerie. Yes, they did well under your tutelage.
    On a sidenote.... you ladies eat really well at these classes, no?

  6. holy moly - the food - what can I say!!!

  7. A credit to the tutor..... x

  8. Oh Gretel, that workshop looks like great fun. The variety of creations is rather impressive...guess those ladies had a wonderful teacher...that would be You!

    I do love the chicken with the wild and crazy top knot the very best, but there are surely some close contenders in that group picture.

    And the food. Wow and wow again. Debs surely does know her way around a kitchen.

    I can see why your workshops fill up fast. Lucky folks to have you show them a new skill.


  9. You sure it wasn't a 'Foodie' workshop with some needle felting in between eating?
    Looks like a great day was had by all. Loving the variety of creations.......can't go past a chicken but the cute little hedgehog caught my eye and then there's a fox and a toadstool too.....sigh!!

    Gretel if you ever want to visit Oz and do some workshops I'm sure there'd be plenty of starters.....

    CLaire x

  10. I wish I lived closer, I could sure do with some instruction when it comes to needlefelting! And the food....wow!
    They all did very well - it's not the easiest of crafts to get started on.

  11. Wow! Those all look amazing! I'm pretty crafty, but I've never done that. Too bad Chicago is sooo far away! The farm looks cool too. I'd be torn between crafting & playing with the animals! Are you going to reopen your ETSY shop??? I really love your work.
    Maybe someday I'll make it back over 'the pond'. I've been there several times & even studied a semester there in college. It's so beautiful.
    Glad to see you back in action. Hugs to you!

  12. I only wish I could attend! Lovely of you to share though and what a grand spread! Mouth watering for sure!

  13. What a workshop! Great tutor, great students and great food!!

  14. what beautiful creations everyone made!

  15. What a brilliant workshop - such lovely "makes" too. Will be in touch - I got a bit bogged down with M's wedding bits and bobs this week. x Jo

  16. Looks like a wonderful workshop - what a beautiful Grand Parade.

  17. I suppose it was a huge delight to attend your workshop! The results are lovely (the rabbit, the hedgehog, the coq...) and you all seem to have spent that creative day in a cosy and friendly atmosphere! I believe noone was on a special diet that day, for everything looks soooooo delicious!:D
    Go ahead with your workshops, dear Gretel - there're so many ladies eager to learn from you!xx

  18. Anonymous6:46 pm BST

    Oh - I wish I lived close enough to come to one of your workshops ....

  19. Enchanting wee critters...love the hedgehog!

  20. Ok...you had me at the mention of SCONES!!!! I love scones! Well done to all the ladies...lovely results all around..but then they had an excellent teacher.

    Janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  21. Oh, what fun! and what fooooood!!! Why do I always live so far away from all the fun stuff...... pout............

  22. Wow what a talented bunch you all are! It looks like a fantastic day with all those treats to eat too!xx

  23. Love the chicken!

    Will you be running the classes in Shrewsbury we talked about?

  24. Wow what a productive day! great little makes :)

  25. I never thought of felting as a fattening activity, but that looks like it must be! What a fun and delicious day that must have been. Wish I was there!

  26. Hi, hope you are okay. And, that you can enjoy some of the sporadic sunshine we are having.

  27. What a wonderfully creative day!
    Wonderful creations and splendid food.
    Gosh, I wish I lived nearer!


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