
Bodge Cottage Visitors


Our first was not so much a visitor but very welcome all the same. Stephen Grogan, our new chimney sweep, who swept out our crud filled flue. This is one of the flues that we were assured by the previous owners were regularly cleaned: indeed the last time they was serviced, the company had said they barely needed cleaning! Had we known just how bad a state they really were in, they would have been the first thing to be sorted out. As it was, we used the main burner for a few weeks before Stephen cleared it of a large amount of very flammable residue, which could have caused a chimney fire.

Last month we had proper guests, our dear  stalwart friends from Cinderhill Farm drove up from the forest of Dean to be our first visitors, despite the deplorable state of our decor. These good people are storing my various letterpress treasures and helped us with the big move. They stayed for supper by the fire.

This time they brought local Severn cider, farm cured bacon and four precious winter eggs, two duck, two hen from their own flock.

In a great bit of recycling, their own two breed sows have enjoyed the leftover cider apples used to make the Severn cider - here is Lady Penelope with a big smile on her face. (Neither of them are the bacon above).

Also welcome visitors this month were Valerie and Sue, two bloggers I've known for  a while, who are now a little nearer to me. Valerie of course, is 'Acornmoon' and has written about her visit and Sue is 'Mouse Notebook'. They too brought lovely gifts...

Sue had brought us both one of these delightful little chapbooks from the Incline Press, who we visited recently - I met the people at the Incline Press before I knew that Sue knew them; what a very small world it can be.

As you can see, we all got on as well in real life as we have done online - Sue on the left, Val in the middle, both looking glamorous and me on the right looking rustic but happy.

Latest attempts to drag this cottage into some kind of habitable state - the bathroom was hiding this rather twee plastic floral paper behind a mirror.

Andy has begun stripping out all the ghastly trappings, including the cheap dado rail. One day we will get the walls fixed properly, but as funds won't stretch that far, he is just filling in the holes and painting the walls with a nice vintage-y turquoise. It can only be an improvement, but it will be a few years before I get a bath. Showers just don't do it for me.

I now know I am  finally growing up...I want to wake up on Christmas morning and find that Santa has fitted a new damp course, re-plastered and painted all the walls, re-floored my studio, fitted a new bathroom with bath, ditto kitchen with a range, re-landscaped the garden and levelled the drive. Oh and a proper bed would be nice. Bit of a change from a Tintin book and a magic kit.


  1. Bodge Cottage looks like it's coming along, slowly but surely. And how fortunate to have a good chimney sweep nearby -- though how frustrating to find yet another example of the previous owners being less than forthcoming about maintenance issues. :( But it will all come right eventually!

  2. cider, bacon and eggs ...and cake..all looks pretty good to me! Good luck with all your renovations...and here's hoping that Santa can sort it out for ya! ;) merry Christmas x

  3. It's great to have friends who bring some comfort during this season. I'm jealous since two of my friends are currently visiting in England. (One in Birmingham and one in Winchester).

    I wish you the brightest season and know that you will find joy in your cottage. It will hum with pleasure. Happy winter!

  4. It looks as though you are making progress there. Have a wonderful Christmas in your own cottage with your lovely view and a clean chimney.

  5. I'm sure Santa will appreciate the clean chimney. Happy Holidays.
    Thanks for all your delightful posts during the year, I hope to see many more!

  6. So sad that you were mislead by previous owners but I am sure you will make a wonderfully cosy home once you get going. Best wishes for Christmas. x Jo

  7. Gretel, I echo all the above comments, and can tell that little by little Bodge Cottage is being transformed.

    It's great that you've had some terrific folks visiting, and bringing some wonderful treats. Imagine...winter eggs and that very charming chap book amongst the treasures! Wow.

    Best wishes to you and Andy for a very Happy Christmas, snug inside BC with a safe warming fireplace.


  8. Looks as if you are making grand progress, I'm sure you will have a wonderful Christmas in Bodge Cottage and before long you'll be long you will be able to give it a new name.

  9. Hey Gretel, a home is about the four walls and what they contain, but also the people that dwell in it and the friends that visit, that give it a heart.
    How wonderful to have friends to stay for supper by the fire, that sounds so enjoyable . So pleased those two piggies weren't the plastic wrapped bacon....they're certainly enjoying those apples.
    Wonderful catchup with Sue and Valerie and that is the sweetest cat dish. I love the book and cup cakes as well.......Wow, another wonderful visit.

    Enjoy the holidays and wishing you and Andy the best of the best for 2013 in your new home....

    Claire X

  10. Hey Gretel, a home is about the four walls and what they contain, but also the people that dwell in it and the friends that visit, that give it a heart.
    How wonderful to have friends to stay for supper by the fire, that sounds so enjoyable . So pleased those two piggies weren't the plastic wrapped bacon....they're certainly enjoying those apples.
    Wonderful catchup with Sue and Valerie and that is the sweetest cat dish. I love the book and cup cakes as well.......Wow, another wonderful visit.

    Enjoy the holidays and wishing you and Andy the best of the best for 2013 in your new home....

    Claire X

  11. I can completely relate to your last paragraph in this post. I had the same "growing up" experience 12 years ago when we were just settling into Rosehaven Cottage. It does get better. The phase you're in right now does pass with hard work and time. I don't have to do dishes in the bathtub anymore or deal with drafts coming through the cracks in the floor. It does really all get better. I promise.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  12. Nobody really wants pipes and plasterwork for Christmas do they? Hunker down, take your time, get it right for you and in the end you'll have a beautiful cosy home and some tales to tell.

    Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

  13. Well, I guess all that bad stuff makes you appreciate the small wonderful things--like cider and ham. :)

    No home is without nightmare projects--and while some have more than others, it is home just the same. It's not the walls, but those inside that matter. Glad you are safe and had that flue cleaned properly.

  14. It takes a long time to put everything in proper order, in an OLDE house... but those are the best kind. I am happy for your first Christmas in this wonderful abode!


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