
A little folk

We are delighted to discover that our favourite Shropshire pub, the Bottle and Glass at Picklescott has reopened under new management and has kept on the 48 year old tradition of a Christmas singing session. Many people choose to walk to this event, (which is in a tiny village miles from anywhere) so there were lots of red faces and waterproofs.

It was a wonderful afternoon, full of song and laughter, not to mention beer - for the non-drivers of course. With a log fire, stone hearth and old beams, this is the increasingly rare English pub at it's finest - no pomp or ceremony, just a warm welcome and a well pulled pint.

Although everyone knew each other and we knew nobody, we didn't feel at all left out, certainly not after belting out all the verses to the folk version of 'the Holly and the Ivy'.

The oldest there was in hearty voice and gave us some fine accordion playing too. 


The last seven months of upheaval and moving to a strange county have been very lonely and I admit now that I have struggled with an aching homesickness for the Cotswolds. That lovely afternoon in good - if unknown - company and a few hours of singing gave me the happiest time I have had since moving here and I can almost believe that maybe next year I might feel as if I can settle here at last. 

So for anyone not lucky enough to have a fine old English pub nearby, here is the very nice folk version of Auld Lang  Syne. In the manner of all amateur home movies, there is the inevitable 'noises off' as a tanker driver intervenes because he can't get his tanker up the lane. So forgive the brief appearance of Andy's head as he goes to move the jeep. And as they say at the end, a Happy New Year to all. 


  1. Hope you have an even better 2013!

  2. You have made my day... I love the video and the sentiment... Thank you so very much, and Happy New Year to you and yours!
    Val in Kansas

  3. The pub looks lovely, we've got a little one like it down the road from us. My friends dad is the landlord and has run it for over 30 years..there are only a few "proper" pubs about but they are a real treasure. Take care and have a fabulous new year x

  4. That pub sing-along looks like treat, I would walk a few miles for that!

    Wishing you both a very happy New Year, and happy, creative and contented hours in your new home.

  5. Hey Gretel what a gem of a place and a good old singalong is so much fun.....
    So glad you enjoyed it and that it's helped you settle a little.......

    All the best for 2013, a year of settling in to your new home. May it be a creative and happy time.....

    Claire X

    P.S. loved the little conversation interlude in the video too...

  6. Wow a wonderful New Years Gift. I wish you and Andy the best. i've had a cold since Christmas and it's breaking so the New Year looks bright! I will share a cup of tea with you and wish you a happy evening!

  7. At one stage in my life I used to do a lot of pub singing, and there is no finer, faster way of making new friends. Everyone welcome!
    Wishing you a happy and settled New Year!

  8. you will settle, it just needs a little more time I'm sure and it seems such a homely place that you've chosen for this next chapter in your lives.
    We always seem to underestimate the strength of how things affect us...I know I do, and then feel some surprise.
    Wishing you a truly wonderful, and peaceful 2013

  9. Happy New Year Gretel - may you find lots of happiness in your new home!

  10. Gretel...
    Thanks for letting us walk with you to that pub and sing!
    Happy New Year!

  11. ITs funny I thought of this song when I woke up this morning. I've never heard this version with the minor chords, I loved it though it did make me sad but this tune always does. It is such a challenge to move to a new area, but it shows a real spirit of adventure too. Much happiness in the New year for you and yours

  12. A lovely, lovely video and beautiful rendition of Auld Lang Syne. Happy New Year.

  13. That sounds like a lot of fun, it's so good to know that there are still places like that around. It reminds me of folk evenings I used to go to in the 60s:) Happy New Year and I hope that 2013 will bring you happiness in your new home.

  14. Happy New Year to you all, Gretel, and warmest wishes for a year of settling and establishing roots in your new environment. If you haven't got a dog to walk (in my view the very best way to get to know people) then going to the local pub is a very good alternative!

  15. All the best for the coming year Gretel.

  16. Gretel, what a fine way to bridge one year of great transition into a fresh new year with many possibilities.

    I absolutely loved the video...the tune is a bit of sad one, with great potential to bring forth introspection. And then...in comes the man from the highway! I actually liked that bit!

    Best wishes to you and Andy, and those kitties, too. xo

  17. Gretel, firstly happy New Year to you and Andy - hope you find happiness in Shropshire.

    Like you we fetched up here though choice, coming from the suburbs of Manchester - and arrived one day knowing no one and nowhere. The early days were tough but it,s proved to be a fabulous decision. We've found a wonderful sense of community - where there is still time to talk and enjoy ech others company. If I stand on our field, squint a bit and put on my very best glasses then Picklescotte is just over Pontesbury Hill. Not too far away. Give us a shout if you feel too isolated!

  18. You're so brave to just get on with it and join in. I'm not sure if I could do that in an unknown pub! It looks like you've been greatly rewarded, what a lovely community.
    Happy new year Gretel! :)
    Jess xx

  19. That singing is deliciously awful! While there are a few sour notes, you can feel the love and friendship in that room--something we don't really do here in the States.

    I wish you peace in the coming year, Gretel. I hope you settle in and make that lovely place feel like your home. :)

  20. Happy New Year Gretel! Love the link on your blog! and thank you for popping by mine today and leaving a message. Hope all is well at Bodge cottage, can't wait to see more pictures. xxx

  21. Lovely post, Gretel. I'm a great fan of traditional folk singing especially the unpolished sort that you find in old-fashioned country pubs - as you say, a very rare thing to find these days. All the Cotswold pubs are very slick!

    They can still be found on Exmoor however - my spiritual home. The Blue Ball at Countisbury has to be one of the best anywhere. And if you want to hear more singing have a look on YouTube at the Exmoor Carolers - they are terrific.

    Glad you're settling in although I'm sure it has been hard leaving the Cotswolds behind.

    Happy New Year!


  22. Anonymous5:55 am GMT

    Thanks for the great video, and for this lovely blog. I normally just lurk, but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy hearing your tales and seeing your wonderful creations.

  23. Anonymous7:34 pm GMT

    Happy New Year!! Borrow a very cute puppy and take it for walks .... shortly after moving to Hampshire we got the cutest of cocker spaniels, and I got to know a lot of other dog owners when they stopped to fuss over her.
    I wish you a very happy and productive year - I look forward to seeing what inspiration your new county provides!! Anne x

  24. Happy New Year Gretel and thanks for sharing the wonderful singing. There is a similar pub called The Bell in Aldworth, Berkshire that my mum and dad go to, they have singing and mummers at christmas - a wonderful way to get you in the spirit of christmas proper! Anyway, very best wishes for this year and getting your new home just as you want it!

  25. Just wonderful. It is so good to find a gem of a pub like this. I love the 'all inclusive' atmosphere of walking into this kind of place. Such a shame that so many have succumbed to the big chains or closed down. Happy New Year to you both. M x


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