
The winner is -

 The Wrekin seen beyond, from a Shropshire lane.

Thank you so much everyone for entering the give-away, what a lovely response. I wish there could be more than one winner, but after putting everyone's name in a hat - literally - the winner is 'Making Miggy' - and I was so pleased she had, as she'd made some lovely doglets from my previous Mollie Makes pattern.

 Another winner is Clover, who has finally settled into her winter routine.
Yes, 'she' is a rare female ginger.

I've just finished my sixth needle felt pattern of the year, and only two are public, so I'm looking forward to seeing the other four when they come out. Now it's back to customer orders - before another exciting event takes over...


  1. Aw, lovely Clover. And congratulations to Making Miggy!

  2. Clover is lovely, it is nice to see another rare female ginger cat, we had one called Josephine living with us years ago.

  3. Tickled Pink9:18 pm BST

    Congratulations Making MIggy, I am very jealous! xxx

  4. Congratulations to the winner. Her little dogs are adorable.
    What a sweet kitty. Clover looks so contented and cozy.
    I can't wait for the exciting event.

  5. Hooray for the winner! And for Clover....she is lovely. :)

  6. yay to the winner! (sob...)

  7. Congrats to Making Miggy! Hope things are going along nicely for you Gretel. x Jo

  8. Ah Clover, you certainly have a good life.........
    Congrats to Making Miggy, no doubt the book will be thoroughly enjoyed.
    Have a great weekend Gretel.

    Claire x


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