
Little houses

I've got  a few things going on at the moment, life-wise  - and an ongoing order list for full sized toys. But it's nice to go AWOL sometimes and sneak a bit of playtime in.

So when I can, I've been making little things. Such as tiny houses - as we seem to be having a house oriented year.

Which *only* take 3-4 hours to make.

These 'Wee Housies' were going to be popped into my Etsy shop for £30 each.

But the entire village was snapped up before I could list them. Sorry!


  1. Hi Gretel. I love your gorgeous little houses and can well imagine them being snapped up like that. They are really fab.
    Hope you're settling in well to your new home....it's really lovely to have such talent moving in so close to me. :-) Hope you will call in to say hello one day. :-)
    Annie x

  2. Delightful! "Only" 3 hours!!! Yes and a huge dollop of talent and skill too!! x Jo

  3. Yes, Gretel, going AWOL is just about always a great idea. Be Free and Playful, and see what happens.

    Each of your tiny houses is charming...of course, I particularly love the ones that have "faces and hats."

    I am now beginning my own week of AWOL time, so your post arrived before my eyes at a perfect time.


  4. Aren't they charming?! A lot of people wait for the new villages to come!:) I like the tiny details that give "personality" to every house.

  5. These are brilliant! I want to live in the tall skinny one :)

  6. They are so delightful, I quite fancy living in the 1st on the left. Imagine the smoke coming out of that chimney.

  7. Beautiful buildings Gretel.

  8. I love them and I love how your creative mind works..such fabulous houses! I particularly like the tall thin one, I'm not surprised they were snapped up super quick they are gorgeous. x

  9. Love your little houses Gretel, I do hope you get your own one soon.
    Do you know the novels by Mary Webb, Seven for a Secret and Precious Bane set in the Shropshire border country?
    They are romantic tales set in the 19th century, I loved them and the countryside plays a big part in the stories.

  10. I love your creations. They never cease to make me smile.

  11. Well the one who snapped them up lightning fast is lucky indeed! Love them. :)

  12. oh those houses are just perfect, I wish my AWOL time could be spent so well!

  13. So lovely and cute! You create beautiful, tiny felt world :)

  14. They are wonderful and I'm so glad they are all staying together as a perfect little street. M x

  15. cute little houses with little faces .....

  16. What charming little houses - maybe you need to consider pricing your art a little higher. ;-)

  17. It looks so sweet!Just lovely works.


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