
Another squirrel

We are on the cliff edge of waiting for our mortgage application to be approved. If it is, then great joy and celebrations will ensue - limbo and uncertainty will be over.  If it isn't approved, we'll have uprooted ourselves for nothing and wasted a lot of money in the process. God knows what happens then.

At the moment there is nothing to do except wait and work. Thank goodness for the salvation of work.


  1. Must be something about squirrels at the moment Gretel....love their antics.
    Suzie looks great, waiting patiently for some food perhaps!!
    All the best with your mortgage application, I'm sure you'll be successful......stay positive, it's the only way to be and have a great weekend,

    CLaire x

  2. Hey Gretel, my fingers are still crossed, even though I just feel in my heart that the house will be yours!

    Meanwhile, little Suzie is fantastic. She's got personality and is bound to find every acorn that she'll hide in the coming weeks.


  3. I have a terrible time trying to be patient. Ever since I was a small child. I wish the best. And that is one adorable squirrel there.

  4. Suzie is adorable ! Hope you get that mortgage approved quickly and can finally get settled.

  5. Suzie looks fab. You're so clever.
    I'm keeping everything crossed for you that the mortgage gets sorted very soon.
    A x

  6. I love your squirrels. Theyre adorable. Greetings Marzena

  7. hang on in there!...we always had scarey waits...and then it went o.k.

  8. Dear Gretel, I wish you luck! Fingers crossed! We are all expecting the big news together with you, full of excitement!...
    It's nice that you find salvation in felting!Little Suzie is charming!xx

  9. this is all very tense, ok the new squirrel is quite wonderful, but the house thing, very tense indeed, fingers crossed.

  10. I hope it all works out for you! Your work is beautiful always, and it's good you have it to focus on during this time in limbo. :) I adore Suzie! She's absolutely fabulous!

  11. Fingers crossed for you both - I bet the weekend can't pass quick enough!

  12. Sending my bestest wishes across the ocean!
    And, love love love Suzie!

  13. Sending positive vibes your way{{{{{{vibes}}}}}}

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  14. Fingers crossed for you and your new home-to-be.
    Suzie is a darling in every detail, I love the balanced curve of tail and arch of neck.

  15. (Can't tell if blogger accepted my last comment, so here goes again, with feeling)
    Suzie is a darling. I think sometimes our best designs come out of the necessity of distraction from worries.
    Fingers crossed for you and your new home-to-be, which must surely be wanting you there to grace the space with love and creativity.

  16. The squirrel is super cute :)
    Good luck with your mortgage!

  17. I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed for you Gretel.x

  18. I hope it works out too! I'd love to see more of you work once you are all settled in again. :)

    LOVE the squirrel. It makes me smile.

  19. I am Soozcat, and I approve this squirrel. :)

    Hoping time will soon be the harbinger of good news! And possibly a mysteeerious box of goodies. Time is like that.

  20. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed

  21. Hi Gretel,
    Your squirrel is charming!
    I've been watching the little red squirrel in our yard gather our hazelnuts and run off with them!
    I'm hoping you hear positive news very soon about the mortgage so you can get settled and totally enjoy your new surroundings!

  22. Had sleepless nights over this last year, but it all worked out finally. Hope it does for you too and you can get on with enjoying your new house.

    (And welcome to my blog!)


  23. Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you. Good luck!

  24. Oh, I hope it all goes according to plan for you and Andy

    .... we are doing something similar with waiting to get organized with the line of credit ... seeing as the reno went over budget..... and why wouldn't it? What doesn't these days?

  25. Hope that mortgage soon sorts itself out!! Little Suzie is adorable. At least you have something purposeful to do during these foul wet days. I hope it's not been to bad for you over your side of the county. x Jo

  26. Hello! Visiting your blog and seeing your work has quite made my Sunday morning! I'm excited to know that, now I am your most recent follower, I will be able to see your beautiful work.

    Fingers crossed for you. I totally empathise about having the play the long, drawn-out waiting game. Have faith.


  27. A bit late ... but hopefully your mortgage applic has now been approved and you can move out of limbo! M x

  28. Good grief, I hope it wasn't all for naught! Well, I am hoping you will soon breathe a sigh of relief, and begin arranging the furniture. Love little squirrel.


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