
Up Caer Caradoc


Shall we forget about the stress and headaches of house buying? Shall we post off the last deadline and get out for some sun and air? Let's go over to one of the famous Shropshire Hills and climb up into the blue.


 Up Caer Caradoc, which we see on our drives out and about. From the ascent we can see towards it's smooth sloped sister, the Lawley and beyond towards Shrewsbury.

After three weeks of stuffing inside trying to meet deadlines, my calves were screaming by the time we got to the top. Oh look, there's another bit to it...

 So I found a sheltered spot to flop down in and gave Andy the camera, so that he could show me what it was like from the top. There is the Lawley again, but smaller and my favourite hill, the Wrekin - a distant blue lump in the background.


 Sitting in the sun, listening to the wind riffle the grasses, the faint bleating of sheep and the sharp swish of air as swallows dive low over the hillside. Finding the tiny things in a landscape of huge things. Dozing off.

Hey, wait for me Andy! 

Wait for meeee!



  1. it looks like you are really enjoying your new location! I'm really intrigued to know where your new home will be as I grew up in Wem, and worked in both Mkt Drayton and Whitchurch before I left the area - and I used to spend a lot of time up Grinshill (near Clive, southish of Wem) and at Hawkestone - the hill, not the golf course :)

    Anyway, lovely to see you settling in so happily!

  2. Love your photos of familiar places :-) Don't we live in a beautiful county? Just stunning.
    A x

  3. beautiful colors, like a painting already. Andy was just going ahead to get the kettle on for you, right?

  4. so beautiful and gentle looking, not like our hills here in craggy tasmania! although the views are just as beautiful, just different. x

  5. What a wonderful walk, I'm quite envious of the stunning views :D

  6. Such beautiful sights! You live in a wonderful area again. I hope it will not only inspire you, but also make you relax and feel well from sunrise till falling asleep... I like very much the photo of you, contemplating the magic around.
    Fingers crossed about buying the house you've chosen!!xx

  7. What a glorious day to explore this vast, open landscape! Gretel, it seems as if you and Andy picked a perfect day to Get Outdoors.

    As I scrolled through the photographs, with your guidance, I was able to get that marvelous sense that open spaces can bring. I can almost imagine what it would be like to be there with your sense of hearing, scent, touch all getting some exercise. Wow!

    Yes, this area's gifts differ from that of your former HQ, but I'd think if pretty wonderful to have this new beauty to explore. This greedy friend hopes that you all will continue to take that camera along on every ride and walk!

    (And sketchbook, too.)


  8. Fab photos of our stunning county - enjoy every minute!! x jo

  9. wow.... it's beautiful..... greenery going on forrreevver... and I love how the little rows and bunches of of trees separate the fields..... it's great.....

  10. Let's keep Shropshire a secret. It's surely one on the last unspoiled parts of the UK?

  11. Aw, gees, it's lovely there!

  12. Those Shropshire hills are such lumpy lumps aren't they? ;) It must feel odd walking along what was once unfamilar countryside. I'm glad to hear you managed to get out and have an explore! You'll soon be running up and down those hills like nobody's business!
    Jess x

  13. And yet another stunningly beautiful part of England to explore...and take us all along!

    janet xox
    The Empty Nest


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