
Needle felt round up

Despite all the various shenanigans which we are putting ourselves through, work still goes on. The first thing I finished in Shropshire was a commission from one of my regular collectors  who wanted a copy of 'Kitty Blue' from my book, 'Mrs Mouse's Cupcakes'

She is not 100% the same as the original but as near as I could get her. I know which is which.

I'm doing a lot of repeat designs at the moment and sometimes I need to try a new design.  I have wanted to make a red squirrel for ages.

Betsy sold at once and made her way to America where she is making my friend Janet very happy, I believe.

I've also just finished several doglet orders  - Claudette, who is a copy of one of the first doglets  from my Mollie Makes pattern. (as the originals are all sold now).

Also, a larger clown version of the Mollie Makes doglets, who has gone over the border to nearby Wales.

Henri, one of the original magazine doglets was snapped up by a French lady who runs an online boutique shop.  So he has gone to his spiritual home, accompanied by a specially commissioned girl-friend, Henriette.

She composed this sweet montage of the two 'H's' on her copy of the Mollie Makes issue, many thanks for letting me use this, Savine!

Although I can't really arrange full workshops at the moment, I had a special all day one-to-one session with a lovely needle felter, Jackelien from Holland. No, she didn't come all that way just to see me, but I am flattered that she wanted to spend the day learning techniques from me in the middle of her family holiday. She bought Dutch treats in a pretty tin - I am now addicted to the liquorice chalk sweets. I've had to hide the bag from myself.  The kilner jar is not full of sweets, but little wax shapes  - it's an outdoor candle which I am hoping to light in our new back garden.

 Apart from working on finishing off techniques and fine shaping, we made funny little houses. It was a really lovely day, we talked our heads off  and by the end of it, I felt sure that I had made a new friend. (Her version of the day can be found on her blog here - lots of pictures if you don't speak Dutch, including one of me which makes me realise I have to start running again!)

Talking of little houses, we are now hopeful that we may be properly settled soon - in the precarious world of  house buying nothing is ever certain, but we are quietly hopeful. 


  1. Betsy has stolen my heart. She has the most beautiful tail. Loving the doglets too.
    Still sending good vibes for the house. I am supposed to be doing some laundry, but when I walked by the computer, I thought, "Maybe Gretel has left a post today." Hooray.

  2. So hoping you get your place! Still crossing fingers here.

    Betsy is gorgeous indeed. Although I will admit to a certain pang of envy at the sight of so many yummy Dutch goodies. They're associated with many, many good memories of Great-Grandma.

  3. err...a new design...a squirrel?...when there's a horse in there somewhere just waiting to come out...with a pink wiggly-nose-bit..(if this doesn't make sense please blame the 2 large glasses o' wine!)...xx

  4. your critters just get cuter and cuter - love the squirrel!

  5. YES...Janet is quite happy with Betsy!

    Janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  6. Hi Gretel,

    This is my last day online in the UK. (must be out of internet for one week, how will i survive) I like the post you placed on your blog. And yes i made a friend too that day with you. We keep contact.
    Love to hear you are addicted to the "dropjes" called "schoolkrijtjes" thats the dutch name for the sweets. Translated as chalckboard crayons.
    Know i have seen your work "life" i am even a bigger fan.

  7. I love how you saved sweets from yourself :)

    Fingers crossed on cottage front.

  8. Dear Aunty Gretel,

    I ADORE the squirrel! xxx

  9. Lucky Jackelien to have the workshop at your studio. Once again, Gretel, you show what a fine teacher you are!

    Gazing at the collection of needle felted creations in these photos reminds me of how you somehow manage to instill personalities and character into what begins as varied fluffs of colorful fibre. This just amazes me. Mastering the needle felting technique is one thing; what your artistry adds takes it all to a totally different realm!

    Best wishes you all on all the steps that will soon take you into your new home. xo

  10. They're so cute. I love Betsy :)

  11. I love the squirrel, the tail is the best!!

  12. I adore Betsy. All of your creations are absolutely wonderful. :) Sending lots of love to them from the Pacific Northwest, US!

  13. What an adorable miniature cake!

  14. Anonymous8:36 am BST

    I love Betsy! I hope the purchase of the cottage goes through soon, as it is awkward doing everything while crossing my fingers for you!!

  15. The red squirrel is adorable! Love the kitty too - how could I not? :-)
    Happy to hear that you're settling in Shropshire, fingers crossed for your house. xx

  16. Oooooh, I love everything you make!! I hope that someday, one of your beauties makes it my way. ;)

  17. I LOVE the chalk sweets too and unfortunately there is a shop n Berkhamsted that sells them! I can't resist. (Just purchased your new book too!) Hope it is flying off the Kindle shelves! xx)

  18. a very sweet and perky little red squirrel she is too....


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