
Cotswold workshop

This is my lastest  workshop, held at the Winds of Change Gallery in Winchcombe. The challenge was to make a sheep from British wool - as it was part of the wool festival celebrating our native sheep. I brought in a selection of dyed Blue-Faced Leicester and natural Welsh tops, and a lot of Cotswold Lion fleece. Far more than we needed in the end.

 I'd already made my own sheep from this, with much mild cursing as it is really too long and rough to make a satisfactory model. Some brave people used it, but the Blue Faced Leicester was by far the favourite, being softer and more manageable.

As well as a picnic lunch, there were scones, cream and jam halfway through the afternoon; note the plaster and first aid kit, for the unfortunates who stabbed themselves. It was all good fun though, and I think every one had a nice time.

My lovely workshop ladies, including a beaming Jane, the gallery owner and lovely Lady Ashcombe, of nearby Sudeley Castle, stood nearest to the door, who was kind enough to give up some of her time to judge the sheep contest. 

Yet again I felt so proud to see the variety and accomplishment of people who'd done little or no needle felting before this day. But, there was only one prize for one winner. I was having nothing to do with it, I hate picking winners! Or rather, I hate that there are losers, especially when everyone tried so hard.


 There was however, one obvious winner and Lady Ashcombe picked exactly the one that I would have. The prize was a family ticket for Adam Henson's Cotswold Farm Park, only a few miles away - a very generous donation from the farm, and one which deserves a little reward.

So I'm sending him the model for the workshop, now called 'Adam's Sheep' - after his slot on the BBC Countryfile programme, called 'Adam's Farm'. Adam rears many rare native breeds himself, including the 'Cotswold Lion', which my sheep is loosely based on and who's wool I used. 

After many dreadful weeks of not-knowing about things, we've finally had news that we can get going. So we are. I may not be around much as I have an awful lots of things to pack. We move at the end of the month - and we don't even know precisely where yet!


  1. Looks like you rladies had a great time, they are all smiling!! None looking sheepish... sorry could not resist. I really enjoy your blog. Joan

  2. So many smiles for what looks a wonderful time, and scrummy tea. Good luck with the move, wherever you go...home will be with you. x

  3. How I do wish I could attend one of these workshops!! Good luck with the move. Edward and I wish you the best! Exciting!

  4. Glad the workshop went well, Gretel. What great sheep!
    Can't wait 'til the 26th - I'm working on a little bird to show you x

  5. Fab little sheep!! Good luck with the move. I have those maps!!!!!!! The Welsh marches - that's the place - I am about 25 miles SW of Shrewsbury. Great place to live. If you are out and about, call in for a coffee. x Jo

  6. What a wonderful workshop.
    I am smiling ear to ear over the prospect of your move. I can't wait to read about it and to see photos.
    Much love to you, e.

  7. wow..... great job all you ladies!

    And...congrats on the upcoming move Gretel...and yikes...only a month away! Now to panic stations! ahhahhahah ,,,

  8. Once again, your workshops always look like so much fun!

    So happy to hear the moving news!!! Should I start goggling Shropshire??

    janet xox

  9. god luck with the move- it'll be wonderful wherever you settle

  10. I love the looks of all those felted sheep, and marvel that they could have been produced by beginners. They surely had a fine teacher!

    Wouldn't it be fun to have a few very little lambs to join that flock?

    Best wishes to you and Andy on this upcoming move. Yes, it will mean lots of effort, but wow, what opportunities it will bring to you all. xo

  11. Oh, to be able to make such adorable things!! I think they are all winners!

  12. It was a great workshop, really enjoyed it and yes the best sheep definitely won (even if it wasn't mine)!!
    Good luck with the packing!

  13. It seems that all the ladies enjoyed the workshop and what they learned from you! Felting in a cosy atmosphere must be really delightful!
    I wish you many workshops of the kind in future!
    And congratulations on fulfiling your wish to move! I hope you'll make the best choice for both of you and you'll feel happy at the new place! Good luck, dear Gretel!xx


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