
Little ballerina

Jetting off already to her new home, this is my latest hare - somewhat more feminine than Harris and Bracken.

She is named after
Gelsey Kirkland, the American prima ballerina. I'm not a ballet buff and I'd already mostly made her when my lovely customer asked for this name. Would she resemble her namesake?

When I did some Google image searching, I was pleased to see that they share the same poise and haughty nose-in-airness - true divas of their art.

Her shoes are worn out from too much dancing and...

...instead of putting my us
ual needle felt heart motif on her, I simply incorporated a 'gold' heart charm into her pearl bracelet. I seem to be veering towards making little clothes now, rather than needle felting them, something I've not been keen on in the past, but this tutu worked so well (simple as it is) that I'll be trying it again.

I have another workshop locally, on April 7th at Chipping Norton, at the hugely popular Fibreworks, details on their classes page here. Starting off with something nice and quick we will be making little birds, as featured in my Puddletown books. Limited spaces!


  1. Tickled Pink12:58 pm BST

    She's beautiful.

  2. AWW so swwet, those little pointy dancing toes and big floppy ears just love this one.

  3. This one looks like she's swirling and dancing, even in the still pictures. Very nice.

  4. What a charming,tender ballerina! Lovely details to show she's a coquette!:)I like the sewn dress - it suits her pretty well...
    What a variety of workshops - if I was there, it would be difficult for me to choose only one! Good luck and enjoy your time, Gretel!:)

  5. Очаровательная балерина! Пуанты покорили)))

  6. Gelsey is gorgeous!!

  7. She's just beautiful right down to her wee patched shoe and tiny gold heart charm. Lovely work.

  8. Lovely, lovely, lovely. One day I will be able to afford one of your hares for my very own.

  9. Oh how I wish I was local to you so I could attend one of your classes! That would be such a choice experience.

    Your new hare, Gelsey, is precious! I love the tiny heart on the bracelet and the adorable tutu. Perfect touches.

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  10. She is delightful Gretel - the tutu looks so dainty - great idea. x Jo

  11. I've booked for the needle felting workshop at Fibreworks - very excited! It will be nice to see you after all these years (don't worry if you don't remember me, it's been an age)...

    Emma (former Christmas temp at Waterstone's Oxford in 2003!)

  12. Aww.... her poor little worn out slipper.....

  13. Long-necked poise, like her namesake. She is beautiful Gretel, with all your trademark detail.
    Lucky felting students - they're in for a lovely time.

  14. Love your ballerina! I'm sure her new owner will be delighted with her.

  15. I love hares and this one is so inspired. The thought of ballerina hares has really made me smile this evening

  16. Gretel, It's been some time since I visited and I've found you're still here (yay!) and your site and work look better than ever. I must adopt some of your felty friends for my new July-grand-boy! I'll be back! Keep up the wonderful work ;)

  17. Oh my gosh--I LOVE her! The worn-out toe shoes is the best touch. :) Made me smile.

  18. love your work! I was surfing around and came on your blog. I'm starting to work with felt and looking for how to get the felt so smooth? Is it just keep pooking of do you have tips and tricks?

    Thx Greets Kaetty

  19. I LOVE her ears and the patch!! ;-D
    Blessings, Linnie

  20. Just found your fabbytastic blog,lovee your Ballerina ,my daughter's where oohingg and ahhhing over her,when I called them over ....lovely work x
    XX Manda XX


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