
Mr Lavender at the match

Frequently our British summers are capricious and it is as likely or not I'll pack a jumper or two to take with me to a cricket match. Not the other week - Sunday last was a bursting-out-all-over-heat-filled blue & green scorcher, almost perfection and at one of the nicest grounds I have had the pleasure to visit, Sandford St Martin.

Mr Lavender came too. He enjoys a bit of cricket, so long as the sun is out and there is a nice tea.

Despite the gorgeous surroundings, Mr Lavender, Andy's mother and myself decided to do a little exploring; too tempting a road to resist and there was a glorious poppy field on the dege of the ground.

The village itself is not directly in our patch - Sandford St Martin is a plush little place on the other side of Chipping Norton.

Prosperous looking even by Cotswold standards. We are in serious commuter belt here, handy for the cities of Oxford and London, making house prices *interesting* despite the quaint rural appearance.

Mr Lavender had a thigh high view from my combats pocket.

At last though the sun got too hot for me; Andy's mum is a lizard and can soak it up all day - I am made of frailer stuff. We were back just in time for tea and Andy smuggled a plate out for us. It was the best tea I've had in many a year, if not THE best. All home made and the
softest, moistest, plumpest Victoria sponge imaginable, like a mother's welcoming lap, just begging to be dived into.

Somewhat over-full, we read the latest Jeanne D'Arc Living (which matched Mr Lavender's colours) and watched what turned into a very tight and exciting match.

But despite the best efforts of young Sam, Andy's top weapon, things did not go in our favour. Poor Sam was 99 not out and missed his century.

We lost, but it was a good, sporting match - jolly nice team and all that. And a tea to die for. Hopefully a fixture to be repeated.


  1. Sounds like an absolutely perfectly perfect English day. Mr Lavender is gorgeous and those cakes look pretty damn good too. Glad you had a good day. M x

  2. Looks like Mr. Lavender was a very nice companion for the ride and the match. Sporting events are so much better with a friend.

  3. Sandford St Martin looks a lovely place and judging from that plate they know what a proper cricket tea looks like! Andy's teams previous opponents could learn a lot from this! Trust that Mr Lavender enjoyed his share:)

  4. All that AND lovely sponge cake, too... oh, I'm full of envy -- sounds like a perfect day out.

  5. Close cricket, a terrific tea, superb scenery - what more could you ask!

  6. What a gorgeous day: how good to see Mr Lavender partaking of the best things about a Summer weekend in the Cotswolds.

  7. This looks bliss indeed!

  8. What stunning weather you had for your day out with Mr Lavender. He is a really sweetie isn't he!

  9. Hello Gretel,
    Wow...can that sky be any bluer??? I love blue and green together and these photos are stunning.

    Mr. Lavender is so handsome.

    so sorry for the game loss, but happy for the tea!

    Helo to Andy's Mom

    janet xox

  10. Well Gretel, I think that you have shown us a perfect summer afternoon. Blue sky with little cloud puffs, cricket being played well (still keeping up my study of this sport,) picturebook village being viewed by a picturebook-suitable character carried in a pocket, and ...tea with wonderful company. What a tea. What a day.

    Does Andy have a match every week?


  11. Was just the other day bemoaning the lack of Victoria Sponge in my life - clearly need to cultivate friends on local cricket team!

  12. I'm a Capricorn, and when I was younger (well ok perhaps not that much younger) I always thought the word "capricious" meant someone who acted like a Capricorn.

    Crumbs- isn't it amazing the things you start sharing on blogs!

    Great tea; always love to look at photos of a good tea

  13. What a wonderful way to spend your day with family, food, a lovely village and cricket, it just looked so English.

  14. Anonymous7:29 pm BST

    A perfect day out!! Mr Lavender looked very handsome ..... and that tea looked delicious. I can't understand why people think cricket is boring (but perhaps that's because I cut my teeth on a cricket bat!!)

  15. What fun having Mr. Lavender along for the ride...and the tea! yum! Must try another "sponge" myself ...and soon.

  16. What a perfect way to spend a day, and what a glorious day it was and what a fabulous location in which to spend it. Not only that you got cake!

  17. My Lavender, I think I might be in love....xx

  18. Some fantastic photos here and what a beautiful blue sky!


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