
Violets and Camellias

Back to some kind of normality at last and a final deadline to clear; this year's order for
Teddy Bears of Witney. Sadly, due to the silly amount of work I had on, I was unable to do as many editions as I did last year and only just managed to get these two sets ready in time for the 2011 catalogue.

Rather stupidly I didn't order in a large batch of pink wool when I made the first Camellia and when I re-ordered from the same stockist the dye batch had changed. Only slightly, but enough to make me grind my perfectionist teeth with frustration. See how the righthand merino is slightly bluer than the lefthand one?
Thankfully I spotted what looked to be a better match on the
Tigerlily Makes blog and after a few emails, a sample was winging it's way to me in the post. It was, happily, almost identical to the original pink and I was able to order enough to finish the two remaining models - thank you Lisa for such super service and good luck with your new online felt making boutique.
And a finished trio of 'Sweet Violets'. Despite the simplicity of the design, these actually take far longer to perfect than my other creatures.
Naturally, this being me, I was somewhat late in making the remaining models and spent seven days needle felting like fury. But in the end, we were all ready for delivery.
Boxed up and raring to go.
It is always such a pleasure to visit the shop and see what new bearish treasures are in stock. My little girls are going to be in distinguished company.
And they have their own slot in the beautiful catalogue. As far as I know, they have not sold out yet - but this is the only shop I am able to supply and at present I am so busy catching up with back orders that they are all that is available at present, so if you do want one of my creations now, then they are the people to
I quite forgot to tell them - and you, lovely readers - my other snippet of news, that a couple of months ago I was accepted into the
British Toymakers Guild after submitting an application which was judged acceptable by the committee. Which is nice.


  1. Congratulations.
    Your Violet and Camelia are delightful. I don't know how you manage to make more than two the same, let alone reproduce several identical versions.

  2. Well done on being guilded!
    I had the pleasure of meetin this two adorable creatures in real life and could see at fiorst hand the skill and time involved in making them.
    I'm sure they'll be sold out in minutes!
    What's next? I'm excited to see

  3. These are so beautiful! I second what Jackie said!

  4. Beautiful work Gretel and big congrats on being accepted into the toy makers guild.

  5. Oh how delicious! the thing I like is that a bit like Alan's things they are actually, if only ever so minutely a weeeee bit individual as if to say " actually I'm not identical to her you know!"

  6. Of course you were accepted! No one makes toys like you! Congratulations, and the new ones are wonderful!

  7. Anonymous7:35 pm BST

    Oh - thye are just so gorgeous!! Many congrats on being accepted in to guild - well deserved!!

  8. Congratulations on being accepted into the British Toymakers Guild. Can't say I'm surprised, your work is superb - I especially love Camellia.

  9. Sweet Violet and Camellia are so gorgeous! It's lovely to see the pictures of multiples all the same, it must be very satisfying to finish them!

  10. Congratulations! You've come so far in such a relatively short time, this is wonderful.
    Thanks for the advice on long needles - I am now fully equipped and my toys need no longer be stationary...

  11. Congratulations on the acceptance. I can't imagine they would have said no with the fabulous products you produce. I'm biding my time until one of them flies to Kansas. Some day I will find the right one and it will come see the prairie.

  12. Congratulations!

    Your work is so lovely, they are going to fly off the shelves x

  13. PG, your Violets and Camellias have got such gently beautiful grace and personalities. I think that they will very soon all be getting lots of affection in very good homes.

    Now, let me tell you how droll I think you are about your "acceptance" by that guild. Of course they welcome you ... you really set a very high mark for any other toymakers to reach. Your creations are both appealing as very loveable toys, and also wonderful expressions of a sophisticated sculptor.

    Hoping that the coming weeks will grant you some free time to enjoy autumn in your landscape, and that you take those pastel crayons along with you. And your camera, too. (Yes, I know I am greedy and a bit demanding.)


  14. The guild should be pleased to have you! :)

  15. What lovely new creatures, I'm sure they'll be a hit.
    And my congratulations as well on being accepted to the guild

  16. My thoughts echo Jackie's....... I love the toys for their visual simplicity... especially Camellia! Well done on making your deadline.

  17. Dear Gretel, congratulations on becoming a member of the British Toymakers Guild - it's a recognotion that you deserve! I like your new dogs and geese, as well as their names and I'm sure they'll leave very soon the shop and take the way to their new homes! Needle felting seems quite intriguing, but there's no such practice in Bulgaria, at least I haven't heard of! It's so nice to be busy with things that bring you delight!! Have a wonderful Autumn!

  18. Congratulations, it is nice to be recognized and rightly so.

    Love the little hat with the red flower.

  19. Your new little girls are lovely. Carla

  20. I absolutely have to reiterate what Frances said - your work is just divine, and I love your characters :)

  21. What beautiful little creatures,both so appealing. Camilla wears that dear little hat with such aplomb and Sweet Violet
    has such grace and balance.
    Congratulations on being officially

  22. Oh Gretel...I'm in love with the two new members of the RFE family. Congratulations also on your BTG membership...you deserve it!
    Your artistry amazes me.

    Big hello to Andy!

    Janet xox

  23. Camelia and Sweet Violet are beautiful. I love your long-necked geese with their dainty collars and graceful S-swoop from beak to tail.

  24. Gretel, your work is superb, congrats it's nice to be recognised for your talents.
    Love Violet and Camellia, great names, cute little hat and that pink wool, mmm....... delicious, reminds me of fairy floss.
    Hope you can put your feet up for a little bit and relax now.

  25. It is entirely because of you that I have added needlefelting to my hobbies. I cannot believe how you get such a perfect finish and are able to reproduce them. Congratulations on joining the guild.

  26. Congrats on the Toy Guild news! I love your two newest characters - what personality they have!!

  27. I just found your blog tonight through Jackie's and it is ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTFUL!! You are amazingly talented, and I was so happy to hear that your guy bought you a lovely NEW bike!! You must have an excellent relationship!!

  28. Congrats Gretel - nice to see you having time for needlefelting again!

    And no surprise at all that you were accepted to the Guild - you are a star :)

  29. Congratulations on your Guild membership, but, oh, you and your deadlines, I'm always biting my nails for you! Violet and Camellia and beauties.

  30. Well done and well deserved, the guild should be very lucky to have you, a true "toy head" if ever there was one. And the finish on those needle felted peices is wonderful

  31. Congratulations Gretel you so deserve it, and thank you for your lovely comments am so glad the wool was a match.
    Happy felting

    Lsa :)

  32. A huge well done on joining the Guild. Your work is simply fantastic, love all your little animals to bits :D

    Some of the animals in your toy books look remarkably like some treasured toys that I grew up with. Such a distinct style in those days.

  33. Well how wonderful these little creatures are! I had never seen what you do and now I know... you create magic! Simply charming, I am besotted. I would like to own one of these one day to sit near my art table as I work and make me smile. Jeri

  34. big congratulations Gretel! ... you deserve it.

    and... may I ask about the "handle" on your felting needle? do you make your own? or... where can I buy one? or do you buy needles with handle already attached? so many questions... but... hey...it looks much better than my lump of clay that I usually put on my needles... and would be nice and light too....


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