
How to catch a hare

We were on one of our favourite walks in the Windrush valley - stood still to watch some deer in the bottom of a field...then all of a sudden...(Click on the arrow for action movie of racing hares!)


  1. I love hares...they have a very 'old world' almost mystical air to them.
    Take care,
    Alison x

  2. Hello PG,

    I love this picture of the hare in the thicket!

    Also admit I did click on your studio cam, and have seen you hard at work. So you have inspired me twice this morning, to get going and do some work myself. Art work, that is, since I have the day off.


  3. Fantastic video!!! I love hares and I would have been to excited to film them!!

    Thanks for sharing :)


  4. What fun to have caught these hares! Have you seen the little book "A Hare About the House"? It is a PDF, here is the link www.medirabbit.com/Books/hare_about_house.PDF -

  5. They're HUGE! Where I am we get cute little rabbits, nothing like that. Great video.

  6. How fun. Yeah - only the occasional wild bunny here... Not nearly as mythic feeling.

  7. I have just remmembered Gretel...Jackie Morris does lovely hares as well.
    Take care,
    Alison x

  8. Anonymous12:37 pm GMT

    Being so close to the fens we get loads of hares and are constantly flushing them out of the undergrowth during walks. Lovely beasts.Nice video!
    Also barn owls. Sometimes you can get right up to them before they fly off. Hubby came across 3 all sitting side-by-side on a low branch. They just watched him and he managed to get a really close look at them.

  9. Holy Christ! Those things are huge! They're bigger than our dog Dickon!

  10. Do you not get hares in America? They are indeed very big, about as big, as Mary Beth observd, as a small dog, bigger even than a Jack Russell Terrier sometimes.
    I startled one last year, it flew up next to me and at first I thought it was a baby deer - and you can hear them thumping the earth as they race along.
    We had found a dead hare earlier, probably killed by a fox, so it was good to see this pair enjoying themselves. My second favourite animal.

  11. Anonymous11:03 pm GMT

    That's amazing! What a privilege to watch such wild creatures romp like that!

  12. Oh, I have loved seeing these wonderful creatures...but, do you know what I have loved better than that?...the sound of your two voices as you were following them with your eyes, camera and spirits.
    How lovely..thank you.

  13. Wow! when we first moved here we always used to see hares, Now we rarely see them, Sad really!

  14. Anonymous9:02 pm BST

    Mad March Hares huh? They are indeed magnifcient beasties I love to see them.

  15. I love the new banner!

  16. Ah, and now we know where the expression "mad as a March hare" comes from. :)

  17. Thanks for sharing this demos!! I Had no ideia how to neddle the felt, and I just want to make bals for my cat!!!
    Great work you have! Congratulations!!


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