
Something for the Weekend


  1. Really lovely drawings Gretel ... I always love the place in your drawings... the solitariness and calm luminosity and of course the strange melancholy of your characters :)
    I have enjoyed reading of your outings lately ... I think your more southern weather is benefiting you now... up here our picturesque snow is gone and we are left with grey wet rainy foggy cold days with howling winds! We are tucked away from the world getting on with jobs happily tho. Love to you both ... X R

  2. They are lovely, love there rabbit ears, I can see you doing a whole series with that little rabbit, whats he called? I like the movement in the boat and there wonderful hats. Up early for a frosty walk the downs and fields so pretty in the light, getting on with the painting next.

  3. I just found your blog and I love your artwork, so very talented.

    I will visit often.
    Racheal x

  4. gorgeous, as always.
    look forwad to seeing the colour versions.

  5. I think you've got your creative spark fired up lady! The bunny on the boat is one of my all time Gretel favorites so far.

    The photos in the previous entry are giving me a case of wonderlust!

  6. Both are wonderful, Gretel. They have a magic and intamacy that is enviable. I especially like the conical hatted rabbit. How big are these?

  7. Yes the worlds you create offer a great escape.

  8. You never disappoint me with your drawings. Your talent shines.
    Love the castle on the hill.


  9. Thank you everyone...I am quite pleased with them too, allowing myself to go right inside my head for once...Eric, they are small, I am painting them up for mount size apeture of 14.5cm x 9.5cm (5 3/4" x 4")

  10. What an imagination you have!
    I loved your ramble through the countryside in your previous post.
    I felt I was there........very touching and lovely.
    Very ENGLISH

  11. Oh, I love these! Is there a story there, too?

  12. Only in the viewers head...

  13. I LOVE your bunnies .... these are just edible .... will they be cards soon? Hope your well. Rachael x

  14. Hi. Your works are so unique and lovely. If it's ok with you I will add your site to my blog's sidebar so I can just click again from there. I have been looking for creative artists to inspire me to continue exploring Arts and not give up. You're one of them. Thanks.


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