
Sophy higher than the Moon

Will she fall? Will the trapeze snap? How far is the floor? We can't see it. Is there a safety net? I don't know...life seems precarious sometimes.

'Sophy higher than the Moon' for sale at Etsy


  1. I love your art and am so glad that that shop wanted your cards. It`s so original that I`m positive there will be more wanting them. All a matter of finding the shops. Have you tried London? I bet they would want them in some of their exclusive shops. And there`s so many pretty shops around England that they would be perfect in. Sure would love some myself. Maybe when I have some extra money.


  2. Oh, pg - I'm so glad I've found you again - I love your art. Are you not on the purplecoo site any more or have I just missed you? Just wanted to comment that I particularly liked the papercut of the silhouette of what looks like a large lady singing with a bird in her hand. Do you have a card of it? If so, can you let me know how to get hold of same? I have a friend who's 40th birthday is next month and she's having a karaoke party (yes, I know. Not sure I'll be singing), and I thought that would be such an appropriate, celebratory image for the same.
    By the way, there are a couple of independent card shops in Malmesbury (That New Shop and Workbox) - have you tried those? (she asked hopefully!)

    LBD x

  3. I love this, the rabbits expression is great and I love the background. Do you plan out your backgrounds or do they happen more organically?

  4. What a beautiful piece of art.

  5. Anonymous2:21 pm BST

    Sophy is exquisite

  6. Anonymous3:58 pm BST

    Delightful. You have a lovely blog.

    Crystal xx

  7. Hi gretel,
    I've been doing some painting too, but not quite as refined as yours!!
    see my blog.

  8. Anonymous5:19 pm BST

    Another lovely image, Gretel.

  9. This is so beautifully done! But it leaves me very anxious about poor Sophy......

  10. Anonymous6:35 pm BST

    This is really lovely, but I'm a tad worried about that frayed rope.

  11. Anonymous6:40 pm BST

    I love your art. Beautiful.

  12. Oh I do so envy you being able to paint and be so creative.

  13. I love your art too, wished your cards were for sale down here, now there's an idea ? the French simply do not have the range of cards that the English do and I think yours are way ahead of many.

  14. I really love your pictures.

  15. There is no safety net, if you want to fly.

  16. I'm tickled to see you painting. And posting. :-)

    Sell lots and lots!

  17. Oh she is adorable!! Just beautiful. That is wonderful that you have a new outlet for your cards - the shop certainly looks as if the owner appreciates beautiful work. I think the toystore lost out for sure!

  18. Anonymous1:31 am BST

    Der Arntie Gretel

    I like this pickcher a lot and its just the sort of game I like to play and I think Sofy's havin a grate time and I want to meeet her.

    Lots of love


  19. Anonymous8:06 pm BST

    Just to answer your question re. the Elderberry Rob. Apparently it will keep for up to 3 years but we've never managed that it really is good whether or not you have a cold.
    Someone once told me that in Victorian times you could buy a cup of it from street vendors.
    Carolyn x

  20. Anonymous11:17 am BST

    As usual, I love your new artwork.
    Your detail Will you be in Seattle around $10.00

  21. Sophy is a lovely rabbit, Captain Rupert would like to offer his paw and help her down to safety and share eating all the flowers on my newly planted chrysanthemum!

  22. I do love your work, I shall look forward to seeing your Christmas Collection.

  23. Hi Gretel,

    Loving the new piccy!
    Not loving the man from Chipping Norton.
    I haven't been to Ross for years, used to go to college in Hereford nearby. Actually, Hereford has lots of little gifty shops and galleries, might be worth a pootle 'round there some day :0)

  24. So lovely, everything really. Imagine this in a child's room, so many details to look at and sink into before falling asleep. :-)

  25. Oo! I've just followed your link to Etsy - very dangerous to the purse! Gorgeous gorgeous stuff...


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