
Rabbit for sale

Like Alice's rabbit, this little chap (yes I know he's pink but I do feel he's a 'he') is late. Too late for Illustration Friday (theme - 'Rejection') He is also the first painting I have done in, oh about three months and the first in my new studio. So I am quite fond of him and his poor broken heart. However, I don't need him for any useful purpose (he was a warm up exercise, as I have a Real Live publishing commision to start today). So he is up for sale for 25 UK pounds/50 US dollars/75 Euros, with free postage and packing - unframed and unmounted. The picture area (as it should be mounted) is roughly 23cm across by 14cm. And in a fit of generosity, I'll throw in a free 6 pack of Red Flannel Elephant cards. If you'd like to give him a loving home (although I can't guarantee he'll stop crying) email me at gretelparker@yahoo.co.uk. EDIT - NOW SOLD - THANK YOU!


  1. Anonymous11:19 am BST

    Oh my goodness he is gorgeous, I hope he finds a loving home soon.

  2. Hi PG, thanks for my birthday wishes. A lot of Canecerians seem to be artistic - is there a correlation between the two??
    This picture is so beautiful and yet so sad. The colours are just fantastic. Brilliant as always.

  3. I want to give him a hug...
    I've been feeling a lot like him lately.

  4. Awww.........
    Poor thing.
    On a jollier note: I like your new header!

  5. Poor little rabbit. He needs a great big hug.
    I don't like the horrible person who wrote him a letter which made him so sad.

  6. I don't like to think what was in the letter...I think this is the saddest picture I have ever done, and that is saying something! Poor little moppet.

  7. Anonymous4:48 pm BST

    Awwwww! Poor little thing! I'd like to join the queue to give him (her?) a big cuggle.......

    And I lurve the new header! Very Mabel Lucie Attwell! :-)

  8. He certainly does bring emotion out.

    I'm happy to hear of the new publishing commision.

  9. Anonymous11:02 pm BST

    This is a wonderful piece Gretel! One day, I hope I can own one of your originals like this.Congrats on your publishing commission.

  10. Anonymous10:15 am BST

    I want to rip up the letter and give him a big bunch of carrots instead!

  11. All I can say is "ACK and SIGH" and you know why...:)

  12. B*gger!! Too late!! It's beautiful, G - love it :)

  13. Oh I love him! I wish I hadn`t spent all my extra money on fabric because I`d be ordering him! He won`t be long finding a home.
    Thanks for the info on the Cornish pasties. I had them when I was over there and really liked them. Such and interesting history!


  14. He's wonderful, Gretel - I'm glad he's found a loving home!

    Your new blog header's great, too!

  15. He looks so genuinely sad, poor wee dear. I hope he has gone to a wonderful home - maybe his tears will turn to laughter if listened close enough.
    Geez your work is phenomanal! So happy you have a commission!!!
    love and hugs,

  16. Don't say he's a bunny with a broken heart, that's way too emotional. Lets pretend he's playing hide and seek instead ! That's way happier - love Julia x

  17. Oh I missed him!
    He reminded me so much of the velveteen rabbit.

    Off to find something!



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