
Fairy Valentine

My lovely friend and fellow admin-fairy Tara (Silver Apples of the Moon ) is hosting a SOSF Valentine event; send a scrummy chocolatey gift and a handmade friendship card to your secret fairy match-up. (Just in case there's anyone out there who hasn't eaten enough chocolate this Christmas!) Any applications to be made to Tara through the SOSF website.
You do need to have a blog to take part though, which is a painless and free procedure available to anyone with an internet connection. Can you resist this gorgeous invitation?


  1. Anonymous2:01 am GMT

    This sounds like fun!

    Hope you are doing well. Happy New Year.

  2. Duly signed up - thank you for alerting me to this!! Now, where can I state my preference for dark chocolate...

  3. Happy new year Gretel - I hope it will be a really good one for you.


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