
Designers who Blog

Ok, sorry, a tiny bit of trumpet blowing. I am incredibly pleased - and flattered - to have a blog review on 'Designers Who Blog'. Thank you so much. The review is here. There is also an extremely rare photo of me - somewhat unkempt I'm afraid, I forgot to comb my hair/put make up on/lose weight/put a pretty frock on.

So no change there then.


  1. How wonderful Gretel. What a lovely thing to have happened :-) I think you look gorgeous, not unkempt at all, just gorgeous xxx

  2. Big congrats! Your blog (well, *you*) seems to have a fairly universal and magical appeal. I, for one, am glad you take a bit of time off from your illustrating to post to the rest of us. :-)

    Thanks for your thoughts on focus... I think you are quite correct. I guess my issue is that I haven't quite commited to narrowing my emphasis... Will have to see if I am willing to do that....

  3. NIce one Gretel! I see Linzie Hunters on there as well! (I think I left a comment on it but I don't know if it went through!)

  4. A well deserved honour. I think your blog is wonderful, your art uplifting, your writing equally so, which is a rare combination.


  5. Brill Gretal, many congrats and also great coz now I know what you look like, yes we do have similar hair cuts, tres estrange, am off now for my weekly read of Faith.
    Keep going, keep the faith!

  6. wooohoooo- now more people will know to come here as it's such a nice place to be. :o)


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