
More painting

Before our weekend guests arrived, I managed to finished two paintings - the Numptys (what an awful name really, perhaps I should change it...) and a small seascape that was originally intended for the 30 x 30 sale, but will now be included in the larger summer sale.This burst of creativity was followed by an intense housework session in an effort to make our hovel hospitable. We go in for 'shabby chic', with the emphasis being on the 'shabby'.


  1. I really like how worried the sun looks on that sail.

  2. Anonymous10:07 pm BST

    NUMPTYS......COOL TITLE!!!!!


  3. You've got a code error in the link to the summer sale. One too many https.

  4. eerkk! Thanks Ellen!

  5. I really want one of these! I love the numptys. THere aren't any others showing on the summerland site, though. How can I go about buying one?

  6. Ah, yes...well, I'm in the middle of painting them as I blog along, and I have 8 small works that I'll be scanning in tomorrow. I'm aiming to get about 13 more pieces done, and as its my holiday money I've got to do it soon! I'll start putting prices up at the weekend, if you'd like to buy anything, I'm more than happy to sell it on the spot, I just need to get things weighed for postage. :-)

  7. Oh great! I'll check back.

  8. Anonymous7:49 pm BST

    Those just take my breath away!

    Beautiful paintings. Your talent is inspiring.

  9. oh, thank you! *blushes*



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